02 March 2018

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for March 2, 2017. Taken by Dana He.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Rachael Morton, Sarah Crucilla, Alice Zhai, Dana He

Guests: Amrita Rhoads, Julian Sanders, Helena Shield

Call to Order: 4:40 pm

President’s Report (Sakthi):

• ACRL meeting. Discussed how to allocate rooms in Bechtel. Minutes are online. Next step is to finalize room allocation process and come up with initial number of freshman to live in Bechtel.

• Would like to review bylaws for ASCIT/IHC appointments.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):

• Student-faculty lunches were on Tuesday and Wednesday and went well, were able to accept everyone who asked for a spot at the lunch since Tom gave MOSH SFL funding and CDS started offering much cheaper deal.

• Research Seminar Series planning is underway with the GSC Academics Chair. Research list with year-round professors and info about their labs (what coursework is useful beforehand, what years do they take, current students in their lab, etc.) will be coming out soon.

• Looking at expanding Millikan Study Sessions to non-core classes that are very large to offer more support in addition to office hours (a good example would be CS155 this term with ~190 students).

• Course compliments on ARC website. Submit a compliment to win lunch with the professor you nominated.

• Working on updating the student guide to TQFRs last term.

• Have planned out what the Olive Walk display case will look like, plan to regularly update with events, etc., should be up soon!

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Rachael):

• IHC has been talking a lot about freshman room allocations for Bechtel based on surveys for number of people unsatisfied with rotation (5-7%, ~20 people). Would like more information from housing about lottery numbers to help decide.

• Title IX had a meeting because interhouses have had a lot of inappropriate incidents recently.

Director of Operations (Sara):

• Not in attendance.

Treasurer (Sarah):

• Would like to meet to discuss ditch day and interhouse funding allocations.

• Proposal from Dabney House and Ruddock for puppies and reptiles event on March 13th during finals week to help relieve stress.

• Proposal from Page and Fleming House for Pass/Fail party.

Social Director (Alice):

• ASCIT movie night: Initially bought 293 tickets, but ended up buying more tickets. Total turnout was 393.

• Be a Kid Again Day was successful, had a total turnout of around 400.

• Will sell ASCIT formal tickets by end of next week.

• Pi day on March 14th at 1:59 am.

• Considering doing a petting zoo or Escape Room event in April.

Secretary (Dana):

• Nothing to report.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 5:24 pm