08 April 2018

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for April 7, 2018. Taken by Dana He.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Sarah Crucilla, Sara Adams, Alice Zhai, Dana He

Guests: Robert Eng, Cathy Miao, Sophus Shackford

Call to Order: 6:01 pm

President’s Report (Sakthi):

• ACRL released first report. Housing lottery is ongoing, applications for first round of Bechtel picks are ongoing. Concerns about the number of freshmen in each house not being solidified.

• ASCIT turnover is May 14th.

• Working on dinner schedule for Prefrosh Weekend.

• Midnight pizza event during Prefrosh Weekend.

• Prefrosh Weekend host matching happened yesterday. Need more male hosts.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):

• Core Connections panel happening next week during lunch.

• Course capture happening for Physics 2c.

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):

• Last ACRL meeting discussed values and going forward will be working on deciding frosh allocations and Rotation. Will be meeting again on Monday.

• IHC met to talk about what ACRL report meant for house room picks. Decided houses can do whatever they want so long as they are after 1st round Bechtel picks.

• Considering new animal policy. Avery will be getting cat alley for ESA cats, and Bechtel will have ESA suites. Marks (but not Braun) will be ESA friendly.

• IHC Secretary sign-ups have been taken down. Interviews will happen soon.

Director of Operations (Sara):

• Got ASCIT screening room speakers to work. Will work on mounting speakers and further renovations.


• PRISM requesting $2000 for Robyn Ochs talk and workshop on 4/23 on biphobia. Expecting attendance of 40.

• Badminton Club planning campus tournament, about 40% undergraduate attendance. Requesting $375 for shuttlecocks and trophies (trophies are $125 total, shuttlecocks $12.50/tube for 50 tubes). Also applying for GSC funding, so would like 50% from ASCIT.

• Puzzle Hunt requesting $1300 for food, swag, and prizes for puzzle hunt event. Had ~60 attendance last time. Has 58 sign-ups for tomorrow.

• April 12th meeting between new ASCIT treasurer, Sarah (outgoing treasurer), and administration to discuss Big T issues.

• Talked to Judy Young about new reimbursement policy. Reimbursements must now be 30-90 days since purchase.

Social Director (Alice):

• ASCIT formal was yesterday. Guessing attendance was ~290. Went well. Had some issues with people getting on the bus without paying. Expenses were ~$2,000 over budget.

Secretary (Dana):

• Approved bylaws and resolutions revisions proposals. Will ask Revcomm Chair about how to proceed with student body vote.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:48 pm