10 November 2017: VPSA

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting: VPSA

Minutes for November 10, 2017. Taken by Dana He.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Sara Adams, Sarah Crucilla, Alice Zhai, Dana He

Guests: Kevin Gilmartin, Joe Shepherd, Grace Chen

Call to Order: 12:29 pm

President’s Report (Sakthi):

• Ended ASCIT Club finding on Sunday, gave out about $15,000. Learned from Caltech Ballroom that gym is now charging extra for including community members, which is significantly increasing costs. Should talk to Joe if there are complaints.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):

• Option advising meeting showed that there’s a distinction between career/research advising versus course advising. Looking into splitting this into two separate roles. Kevin would like to take an inventory of what option advising looks like currently. Also considering having advisor “office hours”. Could also have a checkpoint to see if advisor is still a good fit for the student.

• Proposed TQFR improvements need to be very thought out before implementing. Currently working on creating a student guide for TQFRs to make sure data is accurate. ARC is working on report for proposed TQFR improvements.

• Creating ad hoc committee to examine core and freshman experience as a whole. Could also draw from existing committees.

• ARC is hosting software seminar to teach git. So far 33 sign ups. Student-faculty lunches will be week 10.

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Rachael):

• COUCH is in the process of writing Polaris report. Will then put together unified report (final report from each group).

• Tech article coming out this week. Could also send out article via email. Approach from broader perspective—How residential life is affected, as opposed to who is living in Bechtel.

• Joe will give short introduction with rough timeline for Bechtel town hall meeting. Town hall will go over pros and cons for each group and introduce the Polaris Plan, followed by a Q&A and small discussion groups. Two hours total.

• Decision to be made around the end of January. Will take into consideration student’s and other groups’ recommendations to make a final decision.

Director of Operations (Sara):

• Nothing to report.

Treasurer (Sarah):

• Yearbook is having difficulties because no one is directly in charge of their funds. Should talk to Tom about this. Proposal to combine and raise ASCIT and yearbook dues to fix this issue. Will work on writing proposal for bylaw amendments.

Social Director (Alice):

• Meeting to set interhouse dates for upcoming terms. Joe would like events not to overlap and be more spread out.

Secretary (Dana):

• Nothing to report.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:09 pm