ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 11 March 2019. Taken by Rachel Sun.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Erika Salzman, Sarah Crucilla, Varun Shanker, Irene Chang, David Berger Maneiro, Rachel Sun
Guests: Alejandro Lopez, Albert Nazeeri, Umesh Padia, Alex Krotz
Call to Order: 10:35 PM
President’s Report (Sakthi):
• Pi day is happening on 3/14.
• Meeting with the deans to incorporate more organizations into Frosh Camp (e.g. ASCIT and Tech panels) and to discuss the location of Frosh Camp.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Erika):
• Finals start on Thursday 3/14.
• TQFRs are open.
• Registration closes on Wednesday afternoon 3/13.
• SFC happened on Friday.
• Q meeting happened last week:
o Computation requirement will be worked on.
• Working on Course Capture.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
• OPI happened this weekend. Some painted wall boards were destroyed, which was upsetting to many Rudds.
• Meeting with security will likely happen next week.
• PFE has changed; IHC will talk with admissions sometime soon:
o No house funding from admissions; trying to look for new funding sources.
o House dinner schedule is changing, which is a bit concerning to some of the IHC
• Continuing conversations about Rotation rules.
• Make an alcohol plan to reduce transports in the houses and make people more aware about alcohol-related health.
• Just submitted a bed-space plan to Joe Shepherd and Joe Bennethum and a plan for upperclassman room picks. This plan should be available on the IHC website.
• Submitting a plan to Joe for the length and timing of Rotation. This will also be available on the IHC website.
• RA rounds were discussed; working on getting the IHC to know the RAs better to increase familiarity with each other.
Director of Operations (Varun):
• Screening room renovations will happen over spring break.
• The recording studio is moving to Hameetman.
Treasurer (Irene):
• Nothing to report.
Social Director (David):
• Movie Night is moved to Thursday 3/14 at 9:30 PM.
• Will start handing out tickets for ASCIT Formal. More details will be sent out soon.
• Pi day is coming up at 3/14 at 1:59 AM.
Secretary (Rachel):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 12:14 AM