ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for January 12, 2018. Taken by Dana He.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Rachael Morton, Alice Zhai, Dana He
Guests: Ann Chou, Chen Chang, Chris Dosen, Sean Yu
Call to Order: 4:06 pm
President’s Report (Sakthi):
• Went to Faculty Board Meeting to talk about Caltech Campaign.
• Prefrosh Yield Committee had their first meeting.
• Midnight Donuts will be on February 12th.
• Would like to renovate ASCIT screening room.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):
• Working on tracking ARC expenses for this year. Has used 32% of the budget this year. Tom Mannion is now funding Student-Faculty lunches.
• ARC minutes are now in the Tech and a link will be sent out to join the mailing list.
• CS 21 is being recorded for course capture.
• Planning a software seminar for the next few weeks.
• Creating research list for professors looking for student researchers during the school year.
• Looking into having undergraduate and graduate students present about their own research to help other students also looking into get into research.
• CS department is looking to hire new lecturer.
• Math boot camp course has about 50 people and is going well.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Rachael):
• Sending out frosh rotation survey to see how frosh feel about rotation.
• Bechtel meetings are happening weekly with COUCH, staff and faculty groups. Decision to come out in February. Will need to discuss house leadership structure (6 PAs). Will need metrics to measure success.
Director of Operations (Sara):
• Not in attendance.
Treasurer (Sarah):
• Most refunds have been returned or are going through Judy. We are able to refund in cash (under $100) like normal again.
• Puzzle Hunt Club requesting $500-1000 for puzzle event on Sunday the 28th. Expecting 30-40 people, possibly more. Advertising through emails. Money would mostly be used for cost of food.
Social Director (Alice):
• Yesterday was Trivia Night which went pretty well. Attendance was around 20-25. Will continue having Trivia Night about once a term.
• Next Saturday is Six Flags trip. Will send out survey tomorrow to sign up. First come, first serve. Will have a bus for transportation.
• Got 50 tickets for Cirque du Soleil. Transportation provided, unsure about cost.
• Meeting with Tom to do floor plan for ASCIT formal.
Secretary (Dana):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:28 pm