ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 12 May 2017. Taken by Alice Zhai and Sakthi Vetrivel.
Officers Present: Andrew Montequin, Tim Liu, Sakthi Vetrivel, Kalyn Chang, Robin Brown, Alice Zhai
Call to Order: 12:18 pm
President’s Report (Andrew):
a. Dean’s Advisory Council met to talk about mentorship in the houses
b. During our meeting with Joe Shepherd, we found a new spot for the Jam Room and Recording Room (ASCIT Meeting Room and one of the music practice rooms in the SAC). When construction for Hameetman begins, we’ll move ASCIT meetings to the sci-fi library room.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Tim):
a. 5X series has been removed from the EE option requirements
b. Faculty advising surveys closed today - this is info the Deans want and it’s been a long time since anyone’s collected this data.
c. Deciding ASCIT teaching awards soon
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Rachael):
a. Absent
Director of Operations (Sakthi):
a. Proofs for the yearbook are here! Once we send them back, we’ll have copies for everyone.
b. Need a laptop lock for the ASCIT laptop
c. Attended faculty board meeting last week
Treasurer (Kalyn):
a. Multihouse funding pairs for this term are Fleming/Lloyd, Page/Avery, Blacker/Ricketts, and Dabney/Ruddock - none of the funds have been used yet
b. OASIS show applied for funding, ASCIT approved
Social Director (Robin):
a. Nothing to report
Secretary (Alice):
a. This week’s meeting minutes have been combined with last week’s
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 12:42pm