ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for October 12, 2018. Taken by Rachel Sun.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Sarah Crucilla, Dana He, Alice Zhai, Rachel Sun
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 12:30 P.M.
President’s Report (Sakthi): • Donut has crashed. It will be back up soon. • First ACRL meeting has happened. ACRL will send out a rotation survey, and will discuss issues such as the board plan, rotation, and mandatory housing requirements. • Schedule a meeting for ASCIT BoD to plan this year’s budget and schedule a retreat date.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Erika): • Not present. Report submitted prior to meeting.
• Course capture (lecture recording) is underway; anyone interested in recording lectures for pay should contact the ARC.
• Unix Shell Software Seminar sign-ups are out; the seminar will take place on October 18 at 4:15 P.M.
• Since Donut is down, any course concerns should be directed to an ARC rep. If you would like to remain anonymous, the rep you contact will not share your identity.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
• Rotation happened. This year yielded the best percentage of frosh who got their top choice (76%). Most houses filled; houses with missing beds had members that moved back in from Bechtel.
• Trying to make it easier to schedule events, in particular smaller events with alcohol.
• The IHC will continue to discuss rotation. There will be open meetings every Tuesday at noon in SAC B126.
Director of Operations (Varun):
• Not present.
• Club funding is due November 2. ASCIT BoD will meet that weekend to decide on club funds.
Treasurer (Dana):
• Many last-minute club reimbursements were filed over the summer. The fiscal year has ended for last year’s budget; clubs can no longer get reimbursed.
• ASCIT BoD will discuss and plan this year’s budget in the near future.
Social Director (Alice):
• End of Rotation party happened last Friday (October 5).
• Trivia Night happened last night (October 11).
• Planning an escape room event next weekend (date TBD). A sign-up form will be sent out early next week.
• Contacted the Rath about doing happy hour; the event will tentatively be held on Friday November 2. Drinks will be discounted.
• Discuss using Lyft codes for free events such as hikes, festivals, exploring LA, etc.
Secretary (Rachel):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 12:56