ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 13 March 2015. Taken by Sean McKenna.
Officers Present: Connor Rosen, Nima Badizadegan, Patrick Nikong, Annie Chen, Sean McKenna
Guests: Margaret Lee, Anand Poozhikunnel, Elliott Simon
Call to Order: 12:09 pm
President’s Report (Cat):
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Nima):
-Teaching quality feedback report is being made
-Fixing core set due times at the next CUE meeting
-Option Fair happening April 7th
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Connor):
-New IHC Chair has been elected!
-Admissions decisions today, so rotation rules are in effect
-IHC Committee Appointments will happen at the beginning of next term
Interim Director of Operations (Sean):
-ASCIT Food for Prefrosh Weekend will happen.
Treasurer (Patrick):
-Nothing to report
Social Director (Annie):
-ASCIT Formal Ticket sales are happening Saturday - Tuesday
-ASCIT Movie night tentatively scheduled for Friday 1 May.
-Harvey Mudd Party in May
-Trip to Aquarium will happen
Secretary (Sean):
-Nothing to report
Meeting Adjourned: 12:32 pm
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions. The next meeting will take place on March 31st at Noon in SAC 15.