15 April 2018

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for March 9, 2018. Taken by Sarah Crucilla.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Varun Shanker, Sarah Crucilla, Alice Zhai

Guests: Sean Yu, Jamie Vison

Call to Order: 9:18 PM

President’s Report (Sakthi):

• Please vote on Monday.

• ASCIT calls an election to vote on the following amendments: 1) The BoD voted to propose an amendment altering gendered language to make it gender-neutral. 2) The BoD voted to propose an amendment altering the meeting times of RevComm meetings. 3) The BoD voted to propose an amendment on reallocating committee appointments between ASCIT and IHC.

• ACRL is coming out with a new article (hint hint, it’s in this issue)

• We appointed an interim treasurer, Varun Shanker

• Pizza will be on Thursday/Friday interface for PFW

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):

• Add day this coming Friday!

• Core Connections panel talked about what we would like to see in core

• Ombuds training will be Thursday, 12pm (subject for change)

• Course Capture will be recording Ph2c and maybe Psy13

• Student Faculty lunches will be May 21 and 22

• Please please fill out course compliments, you can get a chance to go to lunch with your prof or TA!

• Vote for Kavya Sreedhar for Arc Chair

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):

• ACRL meeting: moving to talk more about rotation, talk to student reps if you questions / concerns. Number of frosh in each house will come out 4/25

• PFW this weekend: updated Rotation Rules. Included Bechtel, updated alcohol policy (people cannot drink at any events with prefrosh), removed rule that you cannot talk about past picks procedures

• Faculty Board Meeting- Plagiarism Panel

• Appointed Alejandro Lopez as Secretary

Director of Operations (Sara):

• Not in attendance.

Treasurer (Varun):

• Started giving reimbursements!

• Big T is now taking care of own funding

Social Director (Alice):

• Escape Room event will be next weekend. Signups by lottery

• Chouse trivia night was last Thursday

Secretary (Dana):

• Updated Olive Walk Display with new IHC

• Revcomm is working on ASCIT Bylaws proposals

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 10:12 PM