ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for February 16, 2018. Taken by Dana He.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Rachael Morton, Sarah Crucilla, Alice Zhai, Dana He
Guests: Eric Han, Lazar Illic, Helena Shield, Jacob Snyder, Alicia Tyrone, Sean Yu
Call to Order: 4:35 pm
President's Report (Sakthi):
• Midnight donuts was on Monday.
• Chose ACRL committee members. Meetings will be every week.
Officer's Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):
• Option fair happened today from 12 - 2 pm. Had great turnout from upperclassmen and professors, but not freshmen, which is the opposite of last year.
• Course compliments has been launched. Compliments have been posted on ARC website.
• Proposal from core curriculum committee to revise Math 3. Will bring to next VPSA meeting.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Rachael):
• IHC is transitioning.
• IHC wrote a proposal for ACRL committee, which will be released to public.
• CBS giving money and possibly credit to use Big T logo. Could use money for a yearbook distribution event.
Director of Operations (Sara):
• Not in attendance.
Treasurer (Sarah):
• Trying to get more ditch day funding for houses and dividing based on number of people stacking per house.
• Would like to allocate more money for interhouses based on requests from Lloyd.
• Techstock requesting $10,000 for performers, security, food, etc. Pretty underfunded based on responses from other funding sources. Has $15,000 from MHF so far. Estimating 500 undergraduates and 500 graduate students to show up. Plans on increasing advertising and coordinating with houses to prevent event overlaps.
• Feminist Club requesting funding to have two speakers from the Free Radicals to come hold a workshop entitled "A People's History of Science". Will be open to everyone, and will be during lunch in Watson 104. Money will be used to pay speakers. Will advertise via flyers and CDC newsletter.
• Poker Club requesting funding for poker tournament in early March. Would be open to both undergraduates and graduate students, though not expecting much turn out from graduate students. Money would be used for food and cash prizes. Expecting up to 60 people and taking up to 6 hours. Will also have a second division for people who don't want to spend that much time.
Social Director (Alice):
• Movie night for Black Panther is next Friday at 10:15 pm. There will be free popcorn.
• Next Sunday (February 25) is Be a Kid Again Day.
• Pi day is March 14 at 1:59 am, but coincides with Midnight Madness.
• Will sell ASCIT Formal tickets in early March.
Secretary (Dana):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 5:34 pm