16 November 2018

**ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting ** Minutes for 16 November, 2018. Taken by Rachel Sun.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Erika Salzman, Sarah Crucilla, Varun Shanker, Dana He, Alice Zhai, Rachel Sun

Guests: Alejandro Lopez

Call to Order: 12:19 PM

**President’s Report (Sakthi): ** • ASCIT movie night is happening tonight (11/16).

• Midnight donuts happened this week – if anyone was dissatisfied with donut selection, please contact any one of the members of the ASCIT BoD.

• ASCIT had a meeting with Felicia yesterday (11/15) and discussed orange watch and having a fundraiser for victims of the recent fires at ASCIT movie night.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Erika):

• SFC option chairs sent out to everyone. If anyone is interested on sitting on any committee contact the option chairs.

• Student-faculty luncheons are happening on 11/28 or 11/29, sign-ups will be sent out this coming Monday or Tuesday.

• Drop day Wednesday, course registration is on Monday 11/26.

• Donut course concerns is working now and the temporary form has been removed.

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):

• Page interhouse is tomorrow night (11/17). Orange watch members have been selected and will be announced tonight.

• Worked on creating a guide for rotation video and propaganda sheet registration. IHC is going to present it to Felicia soon.

• IHC has talked about Big I. The majority of people are okay with it happening, but no one wants to build for it.

• IHC had a meeting with Felicia last night. Talked about:

o The fundraiser for the fire victims and decided to let ASCIT take this on, and potentially doing something for the shooting victims.

o Orange Watch: will talk with involved administration about reforming Orange Watch and its curriculum after Page Interhouse.

o Leadership convention ideas (training for people with leadership positions).

• Sarah is meeting with John Webster today to talk about vegetarian food.

Director of Operations (Varun):

• Reorganizing the storage closets is in progress.

Treasurer (Dana):

• Still waiting for RevComm to approve the interim treasurer appointment.

• People have turned in receipts for events and other expenses.

Social Director (Alice):

• ASCIT Movie Night is tonight. We will be having a fundraiser for fire victims at this event.

• Working on writing the MHF for ASCIT Formal.

• Regarding the November 30-December 1 weekend, will send out an interest survey about whether to do LA Zoo Lights or ice skating.

• Talking to administration about doing a petting zoo on the December 8 weekend.

**Secretary (Rachel): ** • Nothing to report.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:50 PM