ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting: VPSA
Minutes for April 18, 2017. Taken by Dana He.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Sarah Crucilla, Sara Adams, Varun Shanker, Alice Zhai, Dana He
Guests: Kevin Gilmartin, Tom Mannion, Joe Shepherd
Call to Order: 12:10 pm
President’s Report (Sakthi):
• Prefrosh Weekend: will start arriving Wednesday and leave Saturday. ASCRL released Teach article about how to approach prefrosh with regards to housing changes.
• Bylaws revisions: gender neutrality, Revcomm meeting changes, moving committee appointments from IHC to ASCIT.
• ASCIT elections: voting starts Monday, results out Wednesday. Newly elected BoD take office May 14th.
• Appointed new interim ASCIT Treasurer, Varun Shanker.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):
• Core Connections Panel- spoke about connections in core classes and what was useful for different options.
• TQFR Revamp proposals document finished.
• Core evaluation and revision proposal at a bit of a standstill.
• Would like to find a way to organize feedback from Student-Faculty Conference.
• Ph2c course capture underway.
• Two student-faculty lunches happening soon.
• No one running for ARC Chair next year, so will have to appoint one.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
• ACRL in the process of deciding frosh room allocations by April 25th. Has been talking to house presidents about how many rooms they will need.
• ACRL discussing critical mass of prefrosh in Bechtel and other houses vs. balancing prefrosh wants and needs. Enough upperclassmen living off-off to allow for flexibility.
• New Rotation rules for Prefrosh Weekend online: Includes Bechtel, new alcohol policy, and talking about past picks. Will re-evaluate after PFW to decide on rules for Rotation.
• New possible Rotation algorithm: penalty system. Prefrosh rank houses (multiple houses can have the same rank), and algorithm gives exponential penalty for moving down ranks. Running simulations with Antonio Rangel to see if this would work. Would make system less gameable to allow for transparency and is compatible with external factors such as house input.
• June 3rd is a good day for IHC retreat.
• IHC hosting open meeting on Sunday to get student feedback on Rotation Rules and frosh room allocations.
Director of Operations (Sara):
• Nothing to report.
Treasurer (Varun):
• Met with Bursar’s and Big T, so Big T is now managing their own funds. Big T is now out of debt.
Social Director (Alice):
• ASCIT formal was last last Friday. Sold 300 tickets, attendance was 280-290, including 10 guests. Everything went pretty well. $15,000 funding from MHF, $15,000 from ASCIT, and $6,000 from ticket sales.
• Escape room event happening this weekend. 42 spots available, 165 people signed up.
Secretary (Dana):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 12:56 pm