ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 19 May 2017. Taken by Dana He.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Rachael Morton, Sara Adams, Sarah Crucilla, Alice Zhai, Dana He
Guests: David Berger
Call to Order: 1:01 pm
President’s Report (Sakthi):
• Midnight donuts will be the night of Thursday, June 1.
• ASCIT Alumni party tonight. Transition dinner next Wednesday.
• Proposal to publish budget in public location.
• Would like ASCIT to become more mission-oriented and develop specific goals for third term.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):
• Ma13 – Vector Calculus Bootcamp course has been approved by Curriculum Committee. Class details are being finalized, but the plan is to have this class run for 5 weeks 2nd term starting next year to teach multivariable concepts needed in the analytical track of Ph1b that aren’t taught until Ma1c. Class should be taken concurrently with Ph1b but will be optional for students.
• Plan to resume recording courses during fall term and finalize classes and students who will be doing the recording this term after registration. MHF to buy a new camera approved; need to buy camera.
• Student Faculty Lunches coming up twice this term due to popular demand. First is on Monday, May 22 at noon, Lloyd House Dining Hall. Second is on Thursday, June 1 at noon, Ruddock House Dining Hall.
• Drop Day is next Wednesday, May 24, and registration is next Thursday, May 25. Peer Advising should be happening before registration in all the houses.
• Academic Advising Survey results are available at
• EE5x sequence will no longer be required and the elective version of that track will be called EE110abc and will be offered starting the 2019 to 2020 school year. This requirement will be replaced with EE10ab offered 2nd and 3rd term and overall, the requirements for the EE major will have increased by 3 units due to other changes.
• ASCIT Teaching Awards have been award to TAs Chinmay Nirkhe, Dylan Freas, Eugene Tang, and Todd Norton, and professors Adam Wierman, Evan Kirby, Rob Phillips, and Paul Asimow.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Rachael):
• Bechtel focus groups and group leaders have been decided.
• IHC is generally against Big I, so it probably will not happen. Would be in favor of doing joint party with Harvey Mudd at Mudd, but need to ask Mudd.
• Proposal to do house-associated campus-wide events. Possible events include Blackerathon and/or a Dabney tie-dye event.
• Proposal for ASCIT events such as campus-wide lasertag or paintball. Could get funding from the Student Investment Fund.
• Proposal to bring back the Mudeo mud-pit tradition now that the drought is over.
• Will send out survey to gauge interest in proposed events.
Director of Operations (Sara):
• Blacker may still have cords for ASCIT lights, will ask Blacker.
Treasurer (Sarah):
• Refunded $600 to each house for ditch day, $400 to Caltech Hip-Hop Troupe, and $175 to Out of Context for concert.
• Will reimburse $400 for Ricketts and Blacker.
• Voted and approved request to reimburse $1,000 (in addition to $1,500 already given) for Techstock, which was needed for food for about 500-600 attendees.
• Proposal to raise dues starting January 2018, and to combine yearbook dues, which are currently around $19, and ASCIT dues.
Social Director (Alice):
• Plan to create general social calendar.
• Will talk to Tom Mannion and Harvey Mudd about possible joint party between Caltech and Mudd.
• Will send out email to get volunteers for ASCIT social team.
• Plan to organize Dodgers game on tentative date Sunday, June 11. Will send out survey to gauge interest. Needs to get funding from Marsh Fund.
• Need to order ASCIT plaques.
Secretary (Dana):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 1:46 pm