Budget Overview##
Dues ASCIT Van **Total** |
55560 3000 **58560** |
Publications Salaries Operations Special Projects Special Events Social Events Clubs **Total** |
6000 9150 13270 900 2680 18700 9146 **59846** |
Budget Breakdown
The California Tech The Totem Publishing UROH Publishing |
5100 800 100 |
Totem Staff Bonus CLUE Staff Big T Bonus (00-01) Big T Starter (00-01) Little T Bonus Coffeehouse Bonus Jamroom Salary Jamroom Bonus Web Dev. Staff Bookkeeping |
200 500 200 300 200 200 100 50 2500 4900 |
Elections Ads/Brochures ASCIT Movie Events DVD Library ARC Teaching Awards Jamroom Weekly Donuts Athletics/Letter Subsidies ARC Food BoC IHC Annual Luncheon Coffeehouse Budget Meeting ASCIT BoD Disco Lights ARC Student-Faculty Lunches |
300 250 2000 3000 700 500 1800 1000 200 1700 100 200 200 120 500 300 400 |
Special Projects
Screening Room CURJ |
300 600 |
Special Events
Semana Latina Asian Heritage KELROF Pranks Yuri's Night Social Activism Speakers |
900 300 300 500 500 180 |
Social Events
Beach Trip EO Late Night Donuts Winter Event Formal Open Mic Night JR BBQ Multihouse events fund Interhouse events fund Carnival Rotation Event On Campus Events Fund TBA |
1000 300 2500 1000 4000 200 300 4200 1400 1000 500 1500 800 |
Quiz Bowl Co-sponsored events w/Caltech Y AACIT Anime Hillel Korean Students Assn. Out of Context Caltech Cheerleaders Gymnastics SEDS AiChE Asian Pacific Students Union Society of Women Engineers Caltech Chinese Student Assn. Pep Band Hawaiian Club Juggling Club Faceplant Pre-med Windsurf Caltech Student Pride Assn. Ultimate Club Treblemakers Building Bridges CCF Hong Kong Students Assn Meat Club Ecphonema Shooting Club Entrepreneur Club Graphic Arts Forms (GAFAC) 4 Elements S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Dance Troupes Electric Vehicle Club |
701 600 402 180 201 150 240 600 180 360 75 102 240 360 260 150 102 120 102 102 210 210 120 510 501 150 300 402 102 390 150 201 150 150 300 |