The Totem Little t Starter Fund |
1000 400 |
Big T Salary Little t Salary Totem Salary Salary Bonuses Team Donut |
500 300 250 2500 300 |
Office of Operations DVD Library ASCIT Teaching Awards Jamroom BoC IHC SExCom ARC Student Faculty Lunches Staff Awards Honor Key Frosh Lunches |
1200 500 1000 300 700 500 300 500 400 400 300 2000 |
Special Projects
Screening Room Project Reserves |
150 5650 |
Special Events
Caltech Y Student Faculty Conference Senior Class Gift |
500 1000 100 |
Social Events
Doughnuts Bagels Prefrosh Weekend ASCIT Formal Multihouse Events Interhouse Events Athletic BBQs Alumni Event Other Social Events |
4000 1200 1500 2000 4800 4000 1000 4000 3500 |
Cube Club Quiz Bowl A Night at the Rath Fluid Dynamics Out of Context Men's Ultimate Frisbee Kid's Book Club Computer Science Club Caltech Orienteering Club Society of Women Engineers Math Club Bowling Club Pre-Med Association Chess Shotokan Karate Club Robotics Outreach Group Table Tennis Club Caltech Dance Troupe Korean American Scientists and Engineers One Act Theatre Snatch (Women's Ultimate) SPECTRE Anime Club Christrian Fellowship Korean Student Association Magic the Gathering Club D&D Role Playing Game Club Starcraft Chinese Student Association OASIS Experimental Rocketry Action Adventure Club Fencing Club Caltech Hillel ARCA AICE Chemistry Club Brewing Club Caltech Newman Center Fun Club Robotics Concert Band Water Polo Thai Students Muslim Students Drawing |
400 300 300 500 500 500 70 200 350 300 300 200 800 200 250 500 650 400 250 400 500 200 150 501 300 180 100 50 500 1000 300 400 250 50 300 300 100 400 150 400 500 250 250 200 400 80 |