Little t Starter Fund | 400 |
Big T Salary Little t Salary Totem Salary Salary Bonuses Team Donut Web Projects |
500 300 250 2000 600 1500 |
Office of Operations ASCIT Teaching Awards Jamroom BoC IHC ARC Student Faculty Lunches |
1200 1500 300 700 1500 1500 400 |
Special Projects
Project Reserves | 2000 |
Special Events
Caltech Y Semana Latina |
1500 500 |
Social Events
Doughnuts Bagels ASCIT Formal Multihouse Events Interhouse Events Prefrosh Weekend Interhouse Other Social Events Pre-School Events Senior Boxes |
4200 1200 10000 3000 4000 1400 4000 6000 500 1500 |
Action and Adventure Club AIChE ARCA (Romanian Club) Board Game Club Caltech Anime Society Club Caltech Ballet Club Caltech Chemistry Club (ChemClub) Caltech Chinese Student Association Caltech Christian Fellowship (CCF) Caltech Club for Computer Science Caltech Concert Band Club Caltech Dance Troupe CLASES Caltech Math Bluc Caltech Orienteering Club (Oclub) Caltech Premed Association (CPMA) Caltech Satanic Fellowship Caltech Women's Soccer Club CIT Women's Ultimate Frisbee (Snatch) Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) EXPLiCIT Fashion and Vintage Lovers (Fashion Vov) Fencing Club Fluid Dynamics IEEE Korean Student Association Magic the Gathering Club Out of Context A cappella Predental Club Quiz Bowl Shotokan Karate Club Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Starcraft Club SEDS Table Tennis Club Ultimate Frisbee |
520 300 300 200 150 460 300 230 500 200 400 330 500 300 510 500 180 500 500 500 600 240 250 500 300 460 350 710 30 500 250 450 140 350 250 750 |