Team Donut Course Capturing |
2100 500 |
Operational Costs ASCIT Teaching Awards Jamroom BoC IHC ARC Student Faculty Lunches |
1200 1000 600 700 200 250 400 |
Special Projects
Screening Room Project Reserves |
1500 6000 |
Special Events
Caltech Y Student Facultly Conference Semana Latina |
1500 1000 500 |
Social Events
Doughnuts Bagels ASCIT Formal Multihouse Events Interhouse Events Prefrosh Weekend Interhouse Other Social Events Pre-School Events Cross College Events Senior Boxes |
4400 1200 15000 2400 4000 1400 2400 6000 500 3000 1500 |
Action Adventure Club AIChE(American Institute for Chemical Engineers) ARCA(Romanian Club at Caltech) Ballet Club BikeLab Board Game Club Breakdance Team Caltech Anime Society Caltech Christian Fellowship Caltech Dance Team Caltech Newman Center Caltech Quizbowl Caletch Rock Paper Scissors Team Caltech SEDS Caltech Table Tennis Caletch Wine Club CCSA CGHA CLASES Club for Comuter Science Contra Dance Cube Club Dance Troupe DDR Diabolic Diabolo eClub Eco-Sewing Club Electronic Projects Club ESW(Engineers for a Sustainable World) EXPLiCIT(Extracurricular Players) Fencing Club Fluid Dynamics Hawaii Club Hillel IEEE Innoworks Karate Club Korea Campus Crusade for Christ Korean Student Association Life Christian Fellowship Longboard Club Magic: the Gathering Club Math Club Meat Club Men's Ultimate Frisbee Club Men's Volleyball Net Impact OASIS One-Act Theater Out of Context Photography Club Premed Association Puzzle Club Society of Women Engineers SPECTRE Strategy Club Team Tech Water Polo Club Women's Soccer Club Women's Ultimate Frisbee |
440 300 115 265 175 95 125 140 440 350 245 255 9 300 300 140 130 330 440 400 100 25 620 100 40 265 115 390 440 425 365 375 50 100 725 305 250 80 250 190 170 325 390 450 750 725 115 365 205 390 50 285 150 425 175 180 240 175 675 625 |