20 February 2015

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for 20 February 2015. Taken by Sean McKenna.

Officers Present: Cat Jamshidi, Nima Badizadegan, Patrick Nikong, Annie Chen, Sean McKenna

Guests: Margaret Lee, Elliott Simon, Alex Ryan, Bianca Lepe, Nikita Sirohi ** Call to Order:** 8:04 pm

President’s Report (Cat):

-Final wording of the BOC resolution change proposal has been written by Cat, Connor, and Alex Hartz. Barring objections to the wording by the BOD, Cat will work with Chris Dosen to prepare for a vote by undergraduates.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Nima):

-Student Faculty Conference committees are writing up final reports. Nima will make a Faculty Board presentation regarding the SFC. Freshman peer advising is being set up for the Class of 2019. This advising will try to blend in peer advising alongside faculty and could include advising for frosh on first-term registration.

-Take a prof to lunch!

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Connor):

-Concerns about pulling all-nighters have motivated discussion on the effectiveness of changing due times to nights (midnight-2am) or afternoons (4pm-6pm) for core classes. Guidelines on this could come from Core Curriculum Steering Committee, a directive of the Vice Provost, or conversations between the core professors and the ARC/IHC chairs.

Interim Director of Operations (Sean):

-ASCIT projector system will now be available for undergraduate use. Reservations will take place through Donut

-ASCIT ping pong equipment is coming soon.

-There are still yearbooks left! Pick one up from your house lounge if you didn’t already grab one.

Treasurer (Patrick):

-Patrick will do a budget report next week

Social Director (Annie):

-Many events are coming up:

-Magic Mountain, March 7th

-Be a Kid Again, March 1st

-ASCIT Formal, April 4th

-Harvey Mudd Party, sometime in May (transportation provided)

-Transportation to a food festival, date TBD

Secretary (Sean):

-Sean is updating house positions on Donut and will reach out to secretaries to let them know that they can update their house’s Donut positions on their own.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:23

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions. The next meeting will take place on February 27th at 8pm in SAC 15.