21 April 2019

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for 21 April 2019. Taken by Rachel Sun.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Erika Salzman, Sarah Crucilla, Varun Shanker, Alice Zhai, Dana He, Rachel Sun

Guests: Alejandro Lopez, Albert Nazeeri

Call to Order: 8:15 PM

President’s Report (Sakthi):

ASCIT Elections are tomorrow.

Open invitation to Tuesday Night Bowling with Sakthi (President’s Office Hours). Feel free to email her.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Erika):

GDB/Valgrind software seminar happened yesterday.

Termly ombuds training is happening Friday at 12:15 PM in the CTLO.

ARC just published Research FAQ on the ARC website.

Having a meeting this week with Math Option Rep and EO about quality and attendance of math lectures.

Working with occupational therapy to develop a Frosh Guide (e.g. staying on track academically, study habits).

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):

Ruddock Frosh Party happened last night.

Blacker Interhouse is next week and someone from Blacker will go around to all the houses to talk about rules and safety.

IHC has minutes and the summary is going in the Tech:

Assigned various liaisons of IHC to different offices that they work with

Discussed updating the Cases of Concern Committee. 

Met with Felicia and now have a timeline of deadlines for things to get done. 

Planning on reaching out to all students in Bechtel to get an idea of their experience. 

Director of Operations (Varun):

Nothing to report.

Treasurer (Dana):

Nothing to report.

Social Director (Alice):

Sphere Search happened early this morning.

Color Me Mine event will be next Sunday; an email will go out about that soon.

Secretary (Rachel):

Nothing to report.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:33 PM