23 January 2015

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for 23 January 2015. Taken by Sean McKenna.

Officers Present: Cat Jamshidi, Patrick Nikong, Annie Chen, Sean McKenna

Guests: Margaret Lee

Call to Order: 7:05

President’s Report (Cat):

-Library staff have been meeting with Cat, Connor, and Nima, and the discussion about hours led to the agreement stated in Nima’s email.

-MHF committee met today to consider second term funding proposals.

-ASCIT would like to remind everyone of the support offered by the UCC’s and Caltech Safety Net in light of the recent tragedy.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Nima):


V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Connor):


Director of Operations (Connie):


Treasurer (Patrick):

-OASIS Sangam, EWB Benefit Dinner applied for event funding, Entrepreneurship Club applied for club funding.

Social Director (Annie):

-ASCIT Formal is happening on Saturday, April 4th.

-Interhouses are coming up soon, beginning with Ricketts on February 14th.

-Annie is still working on the Magic Mountain trip for March 7th.

Secretary (Sean):

-Ordered MHF-approved projector/screen/sound system

Meeting Adjourned: 7:25

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions. The next meeting will take place on January 30th at 8pm in SAC 15.