23 October 2017: VPSA

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting: VPSA

Minutes for 23 October 2017. Taken by Dana He.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Kavya Sreedhar, Rachael Morton, Sara Adams, Sarah Crucilla, Alice Zhai, Dana He

Guests: Kevin Gilmartin, Joe Shepherd

Call to Order: 12:15 pm

President’s Report (Sakthi):

• Nothing to report.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):

• Would like to change TQFRs to be shorter and more clear so that more people respond and students get better data. Suggestions to consult with Cassandra, Cindy Weinstein, and the rest of faculty to get their input and to make sure to make all changes at once.

• Student Faculty Conference suggestions to revise curriculum included splitting Math 3 into statistics and data science courses and adding CS 1 to core. Should talk to Core Curriculum Committee and get faculty advocates, both in and out of computer science, and come up with a plan for when core curriculum is scheduled to be revised. Important to keep in mind the balance between core curriculum and elective flexibility.

• Suggestion to try a more intensive advising pilot plan for options with less people.

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Rachael):

• IHC will remerge with COUCH in the next couple weeks. Ideas for remerging include a IHC-COUCH pairing system or IHC attending COUCH meetings as a supporting role. COUCH groups have collected a lot of data but would like to send out survey regarding quiet or substance-free housing before writing final report. COUCH is also writing a Tech article to inform students about housing values and COUCH findings. Would like to hold a town hall meeting in late November. Suggestion to figure out how to involve faculty and staff.

• Will send out a post-rotation survey to freshmen to get more specific feedback on rotation. For next year, would like to try to prevent rotation violations and other negative prefrosh experiences such as alcohol, noise levels, and allergies, instead of just catching them after they happen.

Director of Operations (Sara):

• Yearbook publisher is holding this year’s yearbooks because last year’s were never paid for. Unsure of how yearbook funding works. Will need to talk to Tom and Dmitri about this.

• Just sent out club funding forms to discuss club funding proposals.

Treasurer (Sarah):

• Ricketts ExComm lost a large amount of cash ($1,000+) and would like ASCIT to reimburse it. Decision made not to reimburse it, as money should have been stored in Bursar’s office.

Social Director (Alice):

• Nothing to report.

Secretary (Dana):

• Nothing to report.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:00 pm