ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 27 January 2018. Taken by Rachel Sun.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Erika Salzman, Sarah Crucilla, Varun Shanker, Irene Chang, David Berger Maneiro, Rachel Sun
Guests: Amrita Roads, Alejandro Lopez, Andrea Hands Arocha, Albert Nazeeri
Call to Order: 8:06 PM
President’s Report (Sakthi):
• Nothing to report.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Erika):
• The Mathematica software seminar is on Wednesday 1/30 at 7 PM.
• Ombuds training is at noon on Wednesday 1/30.
• SFC surveys have been sent out to survey the student body and their opinions on their majors.
• New ARC reps are being elected. Elections will continue over the next week.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
• IHC transition is continuing. Elections will continue over the next week.
• Construction changes have been discussed and the biggest change is that all dance platforms must be 4ft or below.
• House rotation feedback has been discussed. Presidents will ask upperclassmen and frosh for house-specific feedback sometime soon.
• House picks were discussed concerning Bechtel picks coming before house picks.
• The IHC will be meeting Allie McIntosh on Tuesday, the new Title IX community educator.
Director of Operations (Varun):
• We are working on appointing a new advisor to the Tech. We are also talking about Tech editor appointments/elections process and the Tech rewards system. The goal is to teach students about journalism (and possibly make a class for this so that students can get course credit), not to censor students.
Treasurer (Irene):
• Multihouse event funding is now available. The event funding process for these events is the same as other general events.
Social Director (David):
• Ice skating happened on Friday. Turnout was larger than expected.
• Be a Kid Again Day is happening on 2/24.
• We are thinking about having a campus-wide game of capture the flag or assassin.
• Pairings for multihouse events have been released to the social chairs of all the houses. Funding for these are still being discussed.
o The pairings are: Fleming-Avery, Ricketts-Dabney, Blacker-Lloyd, Page-Ruddock.
• Construction guidelines have changed; new supplies will be paid for by Caltech for houses to be up to par with these guidelines.
Secretary (Rachel):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 PM