27 October 2017

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for 27 October 2017. Taken by Dana He.

Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Rachael Morton, Alice Zhai, Dana He


Call to Order: 10:08 am

President’s Report (Sakthi):

• Meeting for club funding next week at Tom’s house, date TBD. We usually give out about $15,000, which is what we set aside for this year.

• VPSA meeting was this Monday.

• Unsure what the status of the yearbook is.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Kavya):

• Planning software seminars. Thinking of teaching git or Unix this term.

• Course capture paperwork will be finished by the end of today. Recording should start next week.

• Student-faculty lunches are being planned.

• Talking to faculty about TQFR improvements next week.

• Looking into impact of new unit requirements. Tech article and data analysis report coming.

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Rachael):

• IHC is remerging with the COUCH this weekend and revising and finalizing the Polaris plan and hashing out details of plan. Writing Tech article soon and there will be a town hall in late November or early December.

• Jon Webster is upset about off-campus students stealing large amounts of food from open kitchen, especially in Avery. Trying to figure out how to discourage this.

Director of Operations (Sara):

• Not in attendance.

Treasurer (Sarah):

• Sending out the remaining reimbursement requests from the summer.

• COUCH is presenting to the Board of Trustees today. Tech article will come out next week.

Social Director (Alice):

• Chandler outdoor dinner will be on October 30, with haunted maze in Lloyd courtyard.

• ASCIT movie night (Thor) next Friday.

Secretary (Dana):

• Nothing to report.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 10:30 am