28 September 2016

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for 28 September 2016. Taken by Alice Zhai.

Officers Present: Tim Liu, Bobby Sanchez, Sakthi Vetrivel, Kalyn Chang, Robin Brown, Alice Zhai

Guests: Andrew Montequin, Adrian Huang, Michael Rupprecht, Chris Dosen

Call to Order: 12:00 pm

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Tim):

a. Looking for option chairs for the student faculty conference next week

b. ARC meetings are open to the public and held in SAC 15 at 3PM on Sundays

c. ARC has a new website - go to donut.caltech.edu and click on the ARC link on the left

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Bobby):

a. Free dinners Wednesday (September 28) and Thursday (September 29)

b. Prefrosh turn in house rankings to their RAs between noon to 2PM

c. Rotation rules end at Friday 4PM

Director of Operations (Sakthi):

a. Social closet has been tampered with - got new lock

b. Redid all the inventory

c. Publications are getting new workspaces

d. Need to set up meeting for club funding

e. Club Fair is Wednesday, October 5th

Treasurer (Kalyn):

a. Finalizing budget for 2016-17 fiscal year, which starts on October 1

b. Need to send out multi-house funding

Social Director (Robin):

a. End of Rotation Party on Friday, September 30 –wristbands will be required at the party

b. Weekly bagels and donuts are set up with CDS

Secretary (Alice):

a. Future meetings will be Wednesdays at noon at SAC 15

Election for ASCIT president is on October 10th. Signups are up from September 28 to 5PM on September 30.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:22pm