30 October 2014

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for 30 October 2014. Taken by Sean McKenna.

Officers Present: Nima Badizadegan, Connor Rosen, Connie Hsueh, Patrick Nikong, Annie Chen, Sean McKenna

Guests: Chris Dosen, Rob Anderson

Call to Order: 11:00 pm

President's Report (Cat):


Officer's Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Nima):

Student-Faculty Conference is scheduled for February 12th (note date change).

Nima is still looking for a chair for the CS option at the SFC.

Undergraduates, remember the ARC's "Take a Professor to Lunch" program. Learn more about it at [http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~arc/proftolunch.php]

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Connor):

Professor Snowberg, the MOSH, hosted a faculty dinner with Professor Leeat Yariv at her house, which was well received by attendees. Expect more dinners in the future, of the same format where one person per house attends.

Director of Operations (Connie):

Nothing new to report.

Treasurer (Patrick):

ASCIT's budget for 2014-2015 will be presented on Thursday, November 6th.

Funding sources for Big I are being worked out.

Social Director (Annie):

Big I is happening on November 22nd. A few reminders: guests are recommended to be registered beforehand, those 21 and over receive alcohol wristbands, and grad students are allowed to attend.

Chouse Trivia Nights are operating this term, starting with tonight.

Secretary (Sean):

Clubs should have received their funding decision on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday 28-30 October (except those clubs who missed their pitch time on Sunday).

Meeting Adjourned: 11:44 pm

If anyone has questions or concerns about a section of the minutes, please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions. The next meeting will take place on 6 November 2014 at 11pm in SAC 15.