ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for May 31, 2018. Taken by Rachel Sun.
Officers Present: Sakthi Vetrivel, Sarah Crucilla, Varun Shanker, Dana He, Alice Zhai, Rachel Sun
Guests: Sophia Coplin, David Berger
Call to Order: 12:18 PM
President’s Report (Sakthi):
• Signups for committees and interim Social Director and Treasurer are up. Committees that do not have any sign-ups will close later than the others. Interviews will happen sometime this weekend.
• There will be a candlelight vigil on 5/31 at 8PM for sexual assault victims in light of the recent Tech article.
• Mudeo (mud rodeo) will officially happen on 6/9.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Erika):
• Not present. Reports submitted after the meeting.
• ARC selected a new secretary and new at-large reps.
• Academic faculty board committee interviews are happening this Sunday 6/3.
• ARC held a thank you dinner for upperclassmen who volunteered at the option fair.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
• IHC met with Dean Gilmartin and Joe Shepherd to discuss 1000 Hours and other alcohol-based events. They were relatively open to changing the alcohol policy in a compromise that will be further discussed with security, RAs, RLCs, and other involved parties.
• Some members of the IHC met with Felicia Hunt to discuss the Tech article involving sexual assault. Felicia will be doing a policy review of Title IX over the summer; if anyone is interested, please contact her.
• IHC is working on simulations for Rotation using 2017 data. IHC will begin working on simulations using data from different years.
• IHC retreat is this weekend; they will make a schedule for rotation and run more simulations at the retreat.
Director of Operations (Varun):
• Working on creating a spreadsheet for all of ASCIT’s property.
• Will sort out the storage closet and make check-out sheets for borrowed items to keep better inventory of items.
Treasurer (Dana):
• Senior boxes arrive today. Boxes will be on the Olive Walk.
• A lot of people are submitting reimbursements.
• We have approved funding for many events such as BDR and CCF milkshakes.
Social Director (Alice):
• Mudeo is happening on 6/9. Campus-wide tie-dye will be next to Mudeo at the same time.
Secretary (Rachel):
• Nothing to report.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 12:55