7 April 2017

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for 7 April 2017. Taken by Alice Zhai.

Officers Present: Andrew Montequin, Tim Liu, Rachael Morton, Sakthi Vetrivel, Kalyn Chang, Robin Brown, Alice Zhai

Guests: Jason Marshall

Call to Order: 12:20 pm

President’s Report (Andrew):

a. Joe Shepherd is working with Felicia Hunt to assemble groups for Bechtel discussion

b. Caltech Postdoc Association pitched for funding for March for Science event

c. ASCIT meets with Joe Shepherd next Wednesday, April 12

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Tim):

a. Potentially changing pass/fail policy to prevent students from taking non-core curriculum classes on pass/fail

b. Will send survey about recording class lectures

c. Attending next faculty board meeting to present SFC feedback

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Rachael):

a. IHC secretary appointment will be on Sunday, April 9

b. Working to assemble small groups for Bechtel discussion

c. IHC met with Joe Shepherd last week

Director of Operations (Sakthi):

a. Want to set up online form that streamlines the ASCIT equipment request process

b. ASCIT email accounts on donut do not work

c. Unregistered clubs have equipment in ASCIT club storage room

d. Yearbook needs to appoint a new business manager

e. Need to publicize ASCIT’s Netflix account for the screening room

Treasurer (Kalyn):

a. Multihouse funding pairs for this term are Fleming/Lloyd, Page/Avery, Blacker/Ricketts, and Dabney/Ruddock

Social Director (Robin):

a. ASCIT formal is on Saturday, April 8th

b. Anyone who shows up to formal without registration will get CRC-ed

Secretary (Alice):

a. Nothing to report

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:53pm