ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 9 January 2015. Taken by Sean McKenna.
Officers Present: Cat Jamshidi, Nima Badizadegan, Connor Rosen, Annie Chen, Sean McKenna
Guests: Margaret Lee, Kai Chang, Chris Dosen
Call to Order: 8:07
President’s Report (Cat):
-MHF Proposals have been approved for the ASCIT ping pong table and the speaker/projector/screen. Students can reserve the equipment through the interim Director of Operations (Sean)
-UASH meeting had the first meeting under the new eligibility requirements. The new requirements are non-negotiable and apply to all students as of fall term 2014, so students need to be mindful about their eligibility.
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Nima):
-Student Faculty Conference is happening on February 12th. The sessions will occur from 10am-noon, 1:30pm-4:30pm. Final topics selection for the morning session: dealing with alternative teaching methods, improving academic writing (without increasing the humanities requirement).
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Connor):
-House endowments have been sorted out with the MOSH. They will pay out annually with no maximum or minimum, directly into house funds. This means IHC is accounting for the money for record-keeping purposes.
-Analysis of rotation is happening. Freshen seemed to like end of rotation “free” dinners. IHC is also checking how satisfaction with the house system relates to experience during rotation and checking how the house system affects students’ academic experience during their term.
-Feedback on the search for a new undergraduate dean can be directed to Connor or Cat until a formal committee is selected.
Director of Operations (Connie):
-SFL maker space proposal has been written, with sponsorship of library staff, IHC, and several clubs, for 3D printers, 3D scanners, and poster printer. It will be submitted to MHF. ASCIT approved sponsoring the proposal as well by a vote of 4-0-0.
Treasurer (Patrick):
Social Director (Annie):
-Concerts, theme parks, and food festivals are the most requested social events from Annie’s survey.
-A former ASCIT President was wondering if students would want to go to an alumni/student concert on Alumni Weekend. Battle of the Bands was also suggested by a staff member (a more formal open mic night with judges), and this would likely occur around Memorial Day or in conjunction with BFP.
-Annie is looking into planning a Magic Mountain trip with ticket subsidies and a food festival with transportation subsidies.
-Caltech/Harvey Mudd party is being planned to be held at Harvey Mudd. Date TBD.
-Be a Kid Again is going to happen this term, around the end of February.
-ASCIT Formal will be in April.
Secretary (Sean):
-February 17th will be elections for BOC and CRC off-campus reps.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions. The next meeting will take place on January 14th at 11pm (note special time) in SAC 15.