ASCIT Research Project II
- Topics: Sustainability, Alternative Energy, Biofuels
- Focus: As many disciplines as possible/efficient
- Proposal: Overview several medium-scale interdisciplinary projects attacking the problem of practical alternative energy over a two year time-scale
- Scale: Up to 100 Caltech students, 50 non-Caltech students, 12-15 faculty members
- Potential Grant Digits: 7-9
Lee's Project
- Topics: Agriwaste, Biofuels, Caltech, Ethanol-fueled Car
- Focus: Biology, EE, ME, Aero (Fluids), ESE
- Proposal: Use Caltech's agriwaste for alternative energy production.
- Scale: 20 students, several faculty
- Potential Grant Digits: 7-9
- Proposed Sources:
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Auto X-Prize affiliates
- DOE, other Federal Agencies
Other Projects
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