- Resolution I - Senior Class Co-Presidents
- Resolution III - Coffeehouse
- Resolution IV - Clubs
- Resolution V - The ASCIT Teaching Awards
- Resolution VI - Multihouse Funding Requests
- Resolution VII - Dues and Assessment Adjustments
- Resolution VIII - Jamroom
- Resolution IX - Donuts
- Resolution X - Delegation of Nomination Authority
- Resolution XI - ASCIT Screening Room
- Resolution XII - Student Faculty Conference
- Resolution XIII - Frosh Committee
SECTION 1. Elections for Senior Class Co-Presidents shall be held using the procedures established in Article VII, following the Ditch Day of their junior year. These officers shall be elected as a team. It shall be clearly marked on the ballot that only registered undergraduates in the appropriate class may vote for the Senior Class Co-Presidents.
SECTION 2. Each Co-President must be a student at the Institute, and a member of the class they represents. Vacancies in the Office of Co-President shall be handled in the manner established in Article VII Section 11 of the Bylaws.
SECTION 3. The class officers shall be responsible for setting the date of Senior Ditch Day and other senior activities. They shall also coordinate the seniors to ensure that no irreplaceable items are damaged as tasks of Ditch Day stacks.
SECTION 4. Candidates running for Senior Class co-presidents must be in groups of no more than 3 people.
SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The Caltech Coffeehouse shall exist as a place of entertainment and relaxation for all members of the Caltech community and guests.
SECTION 2. Coffeehouse employees shall include (a) Head Manager(s) and several Employees. The Head Manager(s) shall arrange Employees as necessary.
SECTION 3. The Coffeehouse Head Manager(s) shall be responsible for Coffeehouse operations and employees. The Head Manager(s) shall additionally be responsible for relations with Caltech Dining Services.
SECTION 4. Coffeehouse Employees shall report to the Head Manager(s). Their responsibilities shall be as arranged with him.
SECTION 1. OFFICIAL RECOGNITION OF CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS. In order to be officially recognized by ASCIT, a campus organization must be approved by the Caltech Clubs Steering Committee.
(a) The Director of Operations will determine the criteria necessary for a club to be eligible to apply for ASCIT Funding.
(b) Allocation of the club budget shall be determined by vote of the Board of Directors and executed by the Treasurer.
(c) There will be a primary round of ASCIT Funding during fall term, but clubs can submit funding requests to the BoD at any point during the academic year.
(d) ASCIT funding will be given by reimbursement only. Clubs that have been allocated funding must contact the ASCIT Treasurer for reimbursement.
(e) Only clubs officially recognized by ASCIT may receive funds from the ASCIT Treasurer.
SECTION 1. ASCIT acknowledges the need for Teaching Awards as a means of recognizing individuals who excel in inspiration and motivation of students, approachability and concern for students, and effective and efficient communication of course material – qualities which otherwise go largely unrewarded.
SECTION 2. The Academics and Research Committee shall be responsible for gathering information from any available sources and rating instructors and teaching assistants by any means previously approved by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 3. The Academics and Research Committee shall determine the recipients of the Teaching Awards by the 6th Monday of third term, and present the awards prior to the end of the academic year. The Board of Directors and the Academics and Research Committee shall determine the form of the awards each year.
SECTION 4. Four awards shall be presented to course instructors and four to teaching assistants without regard to title. No individual may receive an award if they have received an award in the past two academic years.
SECTION 5. The awards shall recognize excellence in teaching for the academic year in which they are presented, as well as the third term of the previous year. Previous experience shall not be relevant.
SECTION 6. The Director of Academic Affairs shall maintain a permanent record of the Teaching Award recipients, which will be available to all members of ASCIT.
SECTION 1. Houses can submit event funding requests to the BoD at any point during the academic year for activities facilitating multi-house interaction.
SECTION 2. ASCIT shall provide $1000 per house per fiscal year for large Interhouse parties during school years with on-campus instruction.
SECTION 3. The Board of Directors shall determine whether a specific event satisfies the requirement for multi-house interaction or an Interhouse party.
SECTION 4. The BoD must be informed of a multihouse funding request either in person or through the Social Director or Treasurer before the event to be funded.
SECTION 1. Notice of modifications to ASCIT dues and assessments shall be given, in writing, to the following offices upon approval of such changes by the student body: Student and Employee Accounts, Collections; Vice President for Student Affairs; and Financial Aid Office. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for notifying those offices in writing as soon as the Board is aware of the possibility that such action might be taken.
SECTION 2. The Board of Directors shall not pass adjustments in dues or assessments during third term after the spring election in consideration of Caltech offices that require time to update their records to reflect the changes.
SECTION 1. The Jamroom exists to provide reasonable, student-managed practice space for Caltech community musicians and bands. The equipment in the Jamroom is the property of ASCIT.
SECTION 2. ASCIT shall fund the Jamroom at a sufficient level to keep it operational, but the Jamroom manager may solicit additional funds from other sources.
SECTION 3. All those affiliated with Caltech (JPL, Staff, Faculty, Grad, or Undergrad student) are eligible for Jamroom membership. Membership fees shall be $30 per year for anyone with a Caltech ID or $40 for anyone with a JPL ID and lasts for one year.
SECTION 4. The Board of Directors shall appoint (a) Jamroom Manager(s) under recommendation from past Managers. The Manager(s) shall ensure that equipment and facilities are properly maintained, keep an inventory of the equipment, organize and manage the membership, and spend the money allocated to the Jamroom in accordance with its budget. The Jamroom Manager(s) shall be (a) Jamroom member(s), but not necessarily (an) ASCIT member(s).
SECTION 2. Free donuts for ASCIT members shall be provided at midnight once each term.
In light of the fact that the Faculty Board believes that ASCIT should be the body that appoints students to Faculty/Student Committees,
SECTION 1. ASCIT shall appoint student members to the Faculty/Student Committees in accordance with the rules set forth by the Bylaws of the Faculty Board.
SECTION 2. ASCIT has the ability to delegate nomination authority of the following Faculty/Student Committees to the Academics and Research Committee (ARC):
Academic Policies, Core Curriculum Steering, Council for Undergraduate Education, Curriculum Committee, Exchange Programs and Study Abroad, Housner Fund, and the Library Committee
SECTION 3. ASCIT has the ability to delegate nomination authority of the following Student/Faculty Committees to the Interhouse Committee (IHC):
Athletics & Physical Education, Computer Advisory, Convocations, Foreign Students and Scholars, Freshman Admissions, Health, Institute Art, Institute Programs, Moore-Hufstedler Fund, Parking, Scholarships & Financial Aid, Sustainability Council, Student Life & Housing, Undergraduate Academic Standards and Honors, and Upperclassman Admissions.
SECTION 4. Nomination authority for any remaining Faculty/Student Committees, including any ad-hoc committees, shall be delegated to the ASCIT Board of Directors and its associated bodies.
SECTION 5. ASCIT requires that student appointees to the Faculty/Student Committees give regular feedback to the ASCIT Secretary.
SECTION 1. The ASCIT Screening Room was created in order to provide a high-quality, on-campus, sponsored facility for ASCIT members to view digital content.
SECTION 2. The online reservation system on the ASCIT Donut website shall determine who has reserved the room. The individual who has reserved the timeslot and specified the movie shall have priority. Any ASCIT member may reserve the Screening Room online at the ASCIT Donut website. Guests may attend Screening Room activities, but only current ASCIT members may make reservations. If a member who has reserved a timeslot decides not to use that timeslot as they have originally specified, they have an obligation to change or delete the Donut reservation. If the member is not present in the Screening Room at any time after 30 minutes after the start of the reservation, the remainder of the reservation may be considered cancelled.
SECTION 3. The Screening Room shall only be reserved for projector use. “Movie marathons”, etc. are not allowed if others are waiting to use the room.
SECTION 4. Screening Room patrons should use appropriate judgement in determining that usage of the Screening Room is in accordance with the Institute Policy on Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources. ASCIT is not responsible for the actions of Screening Room patrons.
SECTION 1. A Student-Faculty Conference (SFC) shall be held between February and April of every odd year to maintain open lines of communication between students and faculty and to improve academics and campus life.
SECTION 2. A limited number of topics of discussion shall be decided upon prior to the SFC by the ASCIT Vice President for Academic Affairs.
SECTION 3. Committees formed prior to the SFC shall study and investigate the topics. The ARC shall appoint students to these committees.
SECTION 4. The committees shall write a final report containing their findings, recommendations, and plans for further work or implementation.
SECTION 5. The committees shall publish the report to the entire campus community.
In light of Covid-19, to help the matriculating class adjust to Caltech during online instruction,
SECTION 1. The ASCIT board of directors shall appoint 2 frosh members and 1 upperclassman member to a new Frosh Committee during the fall term of the frosh’s matriculation year.
SECTION 2. The committee shall gather feedback regularly from the frosh class about ways to improve online learning and frosh involvement with ASCIT events. The committee shall report to the Director of Operations at least biweekly.
SECTION 3. The committee shall work with the Social Director to plan events dedicated to supporting the frosh.