ASCIT Executive Committee Rulings

Rulings of the ExComm organized by BoD year.


  • February 12th, 2008 The California Tech during the week before the Feb 11 elections implemented a 150-word maximum length for candidate statements. When ASCIT requested this word limit be raised, the Tech requested $400 to cover the expense.

Pursuant to Article 8 Section 1 of the bylaws, the Tech shall publish any statement that candidates wish to make in the issue immediately preceding an election.

Because the Tech stated that without additional payment they will either cut parts of these statements or shrink the print to an illegible size, we consider the $400 payment from ASCIT to be made under duress.

The Tech shall, upon request of the Board of Directors, refund ASCIT's $400 payment. Additionally, in the future the Tech shall publish any statements of a reasonable length submitted by a candidate in an upcoming election.

Motion passes 3-0

  • February 12th, 2008 Due to a clock problem on Donut, the elections were closed for a brief period of time. This lasted about 15 minutes, and an email was sent out with several hours left in the election explaining the incident. The Excomm asserted that this did not materially affect the election because of the briefness of the incident and the large amount of time after the incident that potential voters had.

  • February 12th, 2008 The Stewardship Committee position had no nominated candidates. At the beginning of the voting period, several candidates were listed who were not actually running. The actual number of votes cast for these candidates was lost when these invalid candidates were deleted from the ballot. Because this vote count was lost, the error of the election could not be determined, and the election was declared invalid and will be re-run with signups being posted Wednesday at 8am and the election being run a week from Monday

  • February 12th, 2008 Chris Watson won both the IHC Chair and BoC Co-Chair election. He chose to resign the position of BoC Chair and this election will be re-run with signups being posted Wednesday at 8am and the election being run a week from Monday.


  • None


  • Feb 17th, 2006 :RULED THAT the protest period in the bylaws is unfair because it rules out protests requiring supporting data from the elections. In subsequent elections, a second protest period (lasting 24 hours from the time when the election data is publicly posted, which will be the same time that the election results are posted) will exist for protests exclusively concerning the data or its tabulation.<BR> :An entry on a ballot will be considered valid if :#the first rank satisfies any of criteria (a)-(d) as defined in VIII.5 of the bylaws :#the subsequent ranks satisfy criteria (a),(b) or (d) in addition to meeting the remaining criteria specified in VIII.5 :In future elections, when counting a vote containing an invalid entry<BR> :#All entries before the invalid entry will be counted as valid :#The first invalid entry and all subsequent entries will count as "abstain" :Thus, there will be a runoff between Dan Knoepfle and RJ Krom in the race of CRC Student Chair since, under the above interpretation, the outcome is a tie.<BR><BR> :The runoff will be held on Wednesday, February 22 2006. The Excomm will use the above interpretation of the bylaws for this runoff. The winner will be sworn in at the BOD meeting on Wednesday, March 1 2006. Regardless of the outcome of this runoff, RJ Krom will be the CRC Student Chair until the aforementioned BOD meeting. <BR><BR> :By a vote of 4 yes (Nick, Corinna, Damien, Helena), 1 no (William), 1 abstaining (Todd),<BR><BR> :Be It So Ruled

  • May 26th, 2005 :RULED THAT when temporary vacancy on the Board of Directors is due to a situation where the Board of Director member remains a full-time student but is abroad, etc., the ASCIT Executive Committee will appoint a temporary, non-voting replacement. The ASCIT Executive Committee will consider and follow the consultation of the incumbent officeholder when possible. The absent member of the Board of Directors will retain his vote in his absence and reclaim the office upon his return.<br><br> :By a vote of 8 yes, 0 no, 0 abstaining, <br><br> :Be It So Ruled


  • February 27th, 2005 :RULED THAT the results of the election held on February 23, 2005 are not valid and the run-off for this election will not be held. There was not sufficient notice of the one-day delay when the election was delayed from Tuesday to Wednesday. Furthermore, the election was held on a Wednesday and not a Monday. The day of the election was not right in the Tech (again, because the election was delayed from Tuesday to Wednesday). Additionally, there wasn't a complete and official list of candidates in The Tech. These constitute violations of Article 8, sections 1 and 2 of the By-Laws.<br><br> :The election is rescheduled for Monday, March 7. Sign-ups will not be re-done, candidates can withdraw. The Elections Chairman will provide The Tech with a complete list of candidates. The Tech will publish that list with statements on the Monday of the election. Candidates may submit new statements. Protests must be submitted by Wednesday the 9th at 8pm. Any necessary run-offs will occur Monday March 14.<br><br> :Recommendations: :* The Election Chairman (Julia Ma) should compile a list of candidates, confirm that those candidates accept the nomination and send that official list of candidates to the Tech. The Tech is required to publish that list. The Tech should also seek statements from the candidates. :* The Election Chairman should post sign-ups, announce sign-ups, and announce when the election is to be held. The Election Chairman should be given spam privileges on Donut for this purpose. :* The election issue Tech needs to be more clearly formatted in a standard way, seeing as it serves as the voter's election guide. :* There is no set schedule for the off-campus BoC rep election. It would be nice if the election was held in conjunction with BoD elections and it should certainly not be held the last week of school. :* The President (Galen Loram) mis-described the tallying procedure in regards to how "NO" is counted, see Article 8, section 6. He also said the wrong timeline for protests, see Article 8, section 8. <br><br> :By unanimous decision of Abe Fettermean, Julian Greene, Lea Hildebrant, Kim Hiscox, Andrea Kung, Gunnar Ristroph, and Libin Zhang (7 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain)<br><br> :Be It So Ruled


  • December 5th, 2002 <br> :The ASCIT Executive Committee rules that Kim Hiscox be appointed to the position of Treasurer until the end of this ASCIT term.


  • November 7th, 2001 :I. The ASCIT Executive Committee rules that Marcus Williams be appointed to the position of Interhouse Committee Chair until the end of this ASCIT term under the condition that he resign as Dabney House President. :II. Furthermore, one who is appointed to the position of IHC Chair may not concurrently hold this position and sit on the Excomm of one of the student houses. This has been prompted by the concern of the ASCIT Executive Committee that a conflict of interest may arise when the IHC Chair is a currently elected member of a House's Excomm and must cast a tie-breaking vote. <br><br> :By a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 0 abstaining, <br><br> :Be It So Ruled

  • December 7th, 2001 :RULED THAT the following mechanism shall be used to secure the replacement for a vacancy in the position of ASCIT Vice President in the event of his/her inability to fully discharge their duties, midterm. :#The Executive Committee shall determine the final selection of a replacement, as provided for in Article VI, Section 2 of the Corporation Bylaws. :#In light of Article IV, Section 4, of the Bylaws which stipulates that the Vice President of the Corporation shall also act as the Chair of the Board of Control (BoC), and in recognition of the importance of this position to all Corporation members, the Executive Committee shall empower the current BoC as an investigative sub-committee to carry out the search for a replacement candidate as provided for by Article VI, Section 3 of the Corporation Bylaws. The involvement of the BoC is requested in recognition of their unique knowledge regarding the position of BoC Chair. This sub-committee shall be given the following guidelines: <br> :##The Executive Committee shall conduct interviews of all candidates who make their intent known to the Executive Committee after a suitable period of notice has passed. :##The members of the BoC may observe and participate in these interviews. :##All current members of the BoC shall be allowed to rank each of the candidates (including themselves if any of them should decide to be interviewed for the position) in a secret vote with the results being submitted to the Executive Committee Chair who will share all the results with the rest of the Executive Committee. :##The submission of the BoC member’s rankings shall constitute the end of his/her involvement as a member of the investigative sub-committee of the Executive Committee. :#The Executive Committee shall use the BoC’s final rankings as a reference to select the replacement that shall serve as Corporation Vice President and Board of Control Chair until the next appropriate time period for elections.<br><br> :By a vote of 5 yes, 0 no and 0 abstaining<br><br> :Be It So Ruled


  • ???


  • 5 March 2000 :RULED THAT :#The BoC chair and secretary may continue with an open case even if it extends past the date of installation of the new BoC chair and secretary. :#If, for any reason, the BoC chair believes that there will not be a quorum for a certain decision, then he or she may call past BoC representatives to be considered for hearing the case in accordance with Article VII, Section 3, Item (j). :#The chair of the BoC has the power to dismiss a representative if he feels that the representative will not render an unbiased judgement, as implied by Article VII, Section 3, Item (i). The representative may appeal dismissals to the dean.


  • 3 February 1999 :RULED THAT electronic voting is consistent with the ASCIT bylaws as of this date.<br><br>
  • 3 February 1999 :RULED THAT no candidate may be nominated for office after a posted deadline. Appeals to this ruling will be handled by the Executive Committee. Only extraordinary circumstances will suffice for a successful appeal.<br><br>
  • 1 January 1999 :RULED THAT the requirement for review of an alleged Honor System violation as stated in Article VII, Section 1, shall be satisfied by adhering to the procedure outlined in Section 3 of that Article. Thus, the Chair and Secretary may make the decision to not bring an allegation before a quorum of the BOC.


  • October 1997 (Original Text Unavailable, see the October 31 issue of the California Tech) "The recent bylaw change was so close that the error points were the deciding factor. Sadly, the ASCIT bylaws do not provide a way to deal with error in a bylaw election. In light of this, the ASCIT Excomm has ruled the election indeterminate, and it will be held again in a few weeks."


  • 4 March 1974 See the March 8, 1974 Issue of 'The California Tech' OPINION: Any member of the corporation who takes a leave of absence from the Institute shall remain a member of the corporation until the beginning of the following term, at which time registration and payment of dues shall be required for the membership to continue.

RULING: The application of Channon P. Price for the office of Election Chairman shall be accepted.