April 15 2020 - VPSA

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for April 15, 2020. Taken by LC Chen.

Officers Present: Varun Shanker, Rachel Sun, Arushi Gupta, Yuying Lin, Kriti Devasenapathy

Guests: LC Chen, Tom Mannion, Felicia Hunt, Jarrid Whitney, Kevin Gilmartin, Joe Shepherd

Call to Order: 12:00 pm

President’s Report (Varun):

  • Health insurance revisions
  • Communicating with other student governments about graduate school admissions
  • Details about Ditch Day for seniors

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Arushi):

  • Start of term went smoothy
  • ARC continuing to receive feedback about online classes
  • Brainstorming new ideas for faculty interactions during the online quarter
  • Course compliments and ASCIT teaching awards still to happen, but in person gatherings are postponed
  • Looking into strengthening avenues where students can receive help

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Kriti):

  • Received a lot of student interest in PFE
  • New IHC secretary appointed
  • Working on appointing positions, since IHC has turned over
  • Student questions regarding Caltech in terms of potentially extended social distancing requirements
  • Revised PFE rotation rules to sound more encouraging in light of the global situation

Director of Operations (Rachel):

  • Checked in with publications: The Tech, Big T, and Little t *Working with Yuying and Ryan to sort out financial statements of student groups

Treasurer (Yuying):

  • Facilitating the clearing of old or unused PTAs
  • Creating a new and simpler system of PTAs

Guests: Nothing to report.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:52