Category:Bagel 2008 Category:Bagel 2009 Category:Bagel 2010 Category:Bagel 2011 Category:Bagel 2012 Category:Bagel 2013 Category:Bagel 2014
- Developer: Manasa Ashok
- Manager: Daniel Kong
- Project Summary: The club system has recently been moved to We need to simplify the clubs portion of Donut to reflect this.
Course Scheduler
- Developer: Rahul Bachal
- Manager: Eric Pelz
- Project Summary: Many students want a system to plan their schedule before registration. A partial service was made in a previous summer, so let's try to get it live.
- Developer: Dan Ilyin
- Manager: Daniel Kong
- Project Summary: One of the most-used parts of Donut is the directory and search, so let's improve its functionality and look!
Improve Calendar
- Developer: Esther Du
- Manager: Daniel Kong
- Project Summary: We are really lacking in a usable and maintainable calendar. We should try to re-think the calendar to make it more usable for students and maintainable by ASCIT.
Improve Mobile Site
- Developer: Ajay Mandlekar
- Manager: Eric Pelz
- Project Summary: The mobile site was developed in previous summers, and works very well. However, we still have a few parts of Donut to port over to it.
Improve Surveys
- Developer: Dhiraj Holden
- Manager: Eric Pelz
- Project Summary: Surveys is an important part of Donut, but we have noticed throughout the years that there are a few important updates we can make to it.
Masquerade updates
- Developer: Alex Ryan
- Manager: Eric Pelz
- Project Summary: Masquerades are a little broken, and hard to use. We should improve it.
=== Streamline/rewrite import scripts ===
- Developer: Aditya Karan
- Manager: Eric Pelz
- Project Summary: The import scripts are important to the maintence of Donut, but are very hard to use and understand. It would be awesome to streamline the many scripts into a few, more manageable scripts. It would be even better to port these to Python.
Security Overhaul
- Developer: Heather Gold, Daniel Wang
- Manager: Daniel Kong
- Project Summary: There are places in the Donut codebase which may be susceptible to common security holes. We should update the site to mitigate these risks.
UI Updates
- Developer: Roshan Agrawal
- Manager: Daniel Kong
- Project Summary: The Donut layout is a little out-dated. We should improve it.