Bechtel Opening Document Compendium

In 2012, Caltech announced it was recieveing a $25,000,000 gift from the Bechtel Foundation. While the money has gone to various projects (including a room in Annenberg), its most conspicuous use was the construction of the Bechtel Residence. Just as the opening of the North Houses caused significant debate about the House system in the 1960s and the opening of Avery did the same in the 1990s and 2000s, the construction and opening of Bechtel caused significant upheaval and to at least one full scale undergraduate protest. In the end, as of 2020 most of the more controversial proposed changes to the House system never came to fruition.

Tech Articles

Caltech News Releases

IHC Documents

Additional documents including IHC minutes may be available from the IHC directly.

COUCH Documents

The Committee On Undergraduate Caltech Housing (COUCH) was a temporary committee created by the IHC (although never formalized in a resolution) in 2017 to evaluate proposals for filling Bechtel. It was intended as a good faith attempt to methodologically evaluate proposals and make recommendations to VPSA Shepherd. The IHC and most students however knew that it was fighting to prevent all-frosh housing at all costs. The COUCH consisted of the IHC itself and 6 students selected by the IHC (although the term was sometimes used to refer only to the six additional students). Each of the 6 additional students led a "focus group" or subcommittee of additional students in producing a report on one of 6 proposals for populating Bechtel. The COUCH also undertook other responsibilities, including meeting with VPSA Shepherd to discuss plans for filling Bechtel. After the focus groups delivered their final reports and Shepherd released the plan for filling Bechtel, the COUCH disbanded.


Trinity and Polaris Plans

  • Trinity Plan-White Paper intended as a realistic, straight forward approach to filling Bechtel.
  • Polaris Plan-The trinity plan was adapted into the Polaris Plan by the COUCH as a realistic compromise to avert the threat of all-frosh housing, while the focus groups continued with their more academic reports.

Focus Group Reports

Caltech Administration Documents

Vice President of Student Affairs Office


The Advsory Committee on Residential Life (ACRL, although some students pointed out CARL would have been a better acronym) was an institute committee comprised of students, staff, and faculty created by VPSA Shepherd to work out the specifics of the implementation of the February 2018 plan for Bechtel and residential life. It was intended to make recommendations to Shepherd which would be subject to his approval. A more cynical view is that the committee was intended to effectively replace the IHC at least on rotation. When Shepherd first told the COUCH and the IHC about the plan he casually mentioned that rotation would now be run by a joint committee of students, staff, and faculty. It is likely Shepherd got this idea from the 2002 "Task Force on Undergraduate Residential Life Initiatives" (TURLI) report. The ACRL itself rejected the idea of running rotation, saying "the rotation process should continue to be largely run by the IHC" in their report 3. The committee was intended to be permanent or at least long-term but collapsed following political disagreements during the 2018-2019 school year. Despite Shepherd's intention to revive it with a new chair and a new set of students, it went dormant in 2019 and was not heard from again.