Donut Revision

2007 Summer Work

Check for more updates!

  • How-to do basic stuff on the server Bagel Howto
  • New bagel devteam members recruited
  • Welcome Jamie, Josh, Will, and Yicheng
  • First priority is to integrate features from Gonzo's ESC calendar including:
    • Tabbing events (as on-campus, off-campus, social, etc…) for filtering purposes
    • Having different time-scales available for the calendar (by day, week, and month)
    • Increased access for student groups
  • Working through hardware problems, it is likely we will be making a hardware purchase
  • Hardware issues resolved, purchase made
  • This computer will be set up by UGCS sysadmins. They will install the software and set up the computer as a server, following which development will begin.
  • The computer shipped 7/14 and will arrive 7/18.
  • Computer has arrived and has been set up. Development will now commence.
  • The old database is being transitioned and work is being done to integrate all of the back-end with the new machine.
  • New layouts have been proposed, available to look at and comment upon on this page
  • Donut survey has been posted to take in comments and criticisms of proposed layouts
  • New recruits are being acclimated to the current code structure
  • Pages are being transitioned
  • More pages are being transitioned
    • Browse bagel through the link at the top of this section

Bagel Development

Donut To-Do List

Please discuss additions in the discussion page. These to-do requests are all in the MHF proposal, linked to at the bottom of this page.

  • First and foremost (immediate action) -

    • Visual Redesign
      • New Visual Template (hopefully, including donuts)
      • Implementing ajax for dynamic changes to the site
      • Harold, please add more details since I'm not technically qualified to do so. -Craig
    • Phase in the wiki (change links on both the ASCIT Info and Committee dropdown menus, since some aspects are now nearly two years out of date) Mostly Completed: Send bad links (unupdated stuff, things that should be on the wiki but not) to
  • For the future -

    • Login system (change the hashes to cookies, likely) completed
    • Have a Big T index page created (currently just a file dump) removed from nav links
    • Update the little t (last done in '98-'99, I've already spoken with the singular group of editor applicants) completed
    • Update the (oh so annoying) voting setup procedure (probably also figure out a simple way to make old votes public… having them only open to BoD members seems silly)
    • Update the restaurant reviews
    • Discuss newsgroups (probably need to archive the old ones, activate useful ones and promote them)
    • Figure out a way to have the BoD get educated on donut's functions and oversight requirements each year
    • Figure out a way to get the BoD to publicize donut yearly
    • Calendar tags (like you have on the ESC calendar)
    • Bookmart (separate the functions into selling old books and price matching new books) completed
    • Club Finder (create and integrate the Club Continuity database into it; low priority)
    • Club Services (integrate the Club Handbook into whatever style is chosen for donut 2)
    • Screening Room (for the moment remove that link, since there's no rooms in the SAC for our use) looking into new SAC rooms
    • Video Library (update with new (current) information about the library, post information about new DVD purchases, clear out old lost list, compile list of lost DVDs to be replaced with new purchases, etc…)
    • CLUE (discuss the best way to collect the information to be put on the CLUE; currently, I believe devteam personally collects this information and manually enters it into the database)
    • Remove the Excomm Committee drop-down link, since there hasn't been a website for that since I've been here completed
    • The front page should finally remove the image including the UROH, since that has been a dead link since I've been here completed
    • Schedulatron(tm) utility to take in from a list of people (who sign up) times when they're free, block off ones they're not, then prioritize them, and compute happy marriage algorithm for best fit. Great for deciding recitation times, club meetings, etc. This could probably be done using a combination of the SAC room registration function (See Screening Room under services) and the calendar feature
    • Change the voting system to account for the Condorcet Winner instead of the flawed instant runoff procedure. This is not something donut is responsible for. For changes in voting, contact the BoD.
    • Wiki for posting class notes, discussions. This would be a combination of a google docs type system, allowing people to markup notes with comments, etc… See Fake Shawn's 95 Page for a sample notes compilation; Harold's suggestion
    • Integrate the Club Handbook into the new donut CSS style
  • What I know nothing about:

    • The backend (database, database interaction, etc…)
    • There's a lot of archived information in donut that needs to be indexed and processed before we can decide what to do with it; this stuff should be looked at
    • Other stuff that I don't know that I know nothing about


  • UGCS agreement delayed until end of summer
  • New temporary server setup needed for summer development
  • Current development is on hold until hardware issues are worked out
  • The above hardware problems are now solved

Assorted Documents

Proposed Layouts

2006 Summer Work

  • Sample donut frontpage developed last summer: Thanks to Jimmy Jia
  • Thanks to Harold and Jed for their continuing work
  • Thanks Tim Barnes for last summer's work after graduating
  • We will be building off of this work, for the most part
  • Please send comments to montuori (at)
