ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for February 21, 2021. Taken by Katherine Chang.
Officers Present: Yuying Lin, Kriti Devansenapathy, Megan Wang, Aditi Venkatesh, Eilleen Zhang, Ayooluwa Odemuyiwa, Katherine Chang
Guests: Tom Mannion, Prof. George Djorgovski, Santiago Lombeyda, Ari Rosner, Andrew Chan
Call to Order: 7:36 pm
President’s Report (Yuying):
- MHF proposal submitted
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Megan):
- SFC special committees updates
- Option Video on FAQs logistics
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Kriti):
- IHC and PFEx panel logistics
- RA Appreciation Week plans
Director of Operations (Aditi):
- Club Funding round 2 interviews done, set budget
- Request for wider circulation from the Tech
Treasurer (Eilleen):
- Reimbursed clubs, Houses, and donuts
- Club funding round 2 excess funds ideas
Social Manager (Ayooluwa):
- Valentine’s movie event error
- Finished Secret Snowman reconciliations
- Lunch with upperclassmen event logistics
- ASCIT concert offer updates
Secretary (Katherine):
- Nothing to report
- Caltech virtual world (VIRTECH) overview
- ASCIT to advertise platform
- Second life demo
- Virtual island logistics
- Contact Santiago or George for question about platform
Tom: *Concert administrative logistics
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:16 pm