- Visit colleges the tours of the 30s and 60s did
- Ivies
- Small northeast liberal arts colleges
- British House Universities
- Compare student life institutes
- Compare housing
- Focus:
- Ivies for similar prestige
- MIT for similar focus
- Liberals for similar size
- BHU for similar House systems
- Write a report on our findings, similar to "Reflections on Several Worlds"
- Tour during 2nd term
- Finish report by end of year
Randall's notes
- Talk with RA's, Master of Houses, live-in tutorial leaders, etc., and find out their role in different schools
- Corollary: Examine other schools' alcohol policies
- Examine proportion of hum majors
- Tangent: Look into resuming ARTS bus service
- Tangent: Possibly set up twice-daily (more often?) bus between Art Center and Tech or Oxy and Tech
- Consider relation of size and cohesiveness of social groups: 6 person suites, 12-18 person alleys, 80-120 person houses, 200-400 person colleges, 1000-8000 person universities, etc.
Funding Possibilities
- Tom Mannion
- Alumni
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