Integrates the purposes of Bookmart, Course Reviews (Clue and TQFR), and Course Websites and Moodle. It would be all the Caltech courses in a standardized format.
Information would include
- Course Tag (Ex: Math 1a)
- Course Title (Ex: Calculus of One Variable)
- Instructor
* Grader (Probably the Head TA)
- Class Days, Time, Location (Ex: MWF 10:30 AM, BAX 137)
- Professor's Office Hours (Ex: R 2:00 PM)
* Textbook(s)
- Course Description
- Course Policies
- Grading Policy
- Homework/Collaboration/Late Policy
- Exams
* Recitations
- Problem Sets
- Due Dates
- Problem Sets (.pdf)
* Solution Sets (.pdf)
- TA Information
- Section #
- Names
- Recitation Times
- Office Hours
- Website (if there is one)