ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 26 January 2019. Taken by Rachel Sun.
Officers Present: Varun Shanker, Arushi Gupta, Sarah Crucilla, Rachel Sun, Yuying Lin
Guests: Devin Hartzell, Claire Hu, Alejandro Lopez
Call to Order: 8:05 PM
President’s Report (Varun): VPSA meeting happened Wednesday.
- Resolution needed for ASCIT Social Director substitute
- Resolution to create a position and run appointments for Assistant Social Director passed (5-0-0)
- Position description will be posted with appointment sign-ups
- Need to discuss ideas for ASCIT social events.
Officer’s Reports:
'V.P. of Academic Affairs (Arushi):
- Decided not to record a course this term for Course Capture. Will try to get it running next term
- Ombuds training happened last week; will try to switch to Moodle for training course next term
- Asking professors about having students in their lab during the school year * Will upload availabilities once all responses are received
- ACM95 final exam issues
- New incoming ARC Reps
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
- New IHC members.
- Ricketts Interhouse is this weekend
- Room picks discussions still ongoing
- Leadership training group meeting tomorrow 1/27
- Week of 2/17 will have different leadership modules for new leaders (e.g. IHC, social directors, room picks officers, Stewcomm reps) to attend and learn more about their roles and topics helpful to leaders on campus
- Alternate Interhouse
Director of Operations (Rachel):
- Tech financials
- Relaxing the publication frequency bylaws to make it easier for Tech Editors
- ASCIT Screening Room equipment (i.e. laptop, projector lamp) replaced
Treasurer (Yuying):
- Dues and ASCIT Membership.
Social Director (Irene):
- Ice skating event happened on 1/24
Secretary (LC):
- Not present. Nothing to report.
**Guest Comments: ** Claire Hu: Concern regarding Bechtel and house kitchens being packed up early (i.e. 6:45 PM before the 7 PM closing time), would like slightly shifted hours for Bechtel.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 PM