January 28, 2009

== ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting – Minutes ==

Officers Present: Caleb Ng, Joel Nikolaus, Angela Zah, Chris Watson, Tzong-lian “Will” Tsay, Ekta Bhojwani, Matt Czubakowski

Guests: Jason Cerundolo, Anthony Chong, Michelle Jiang, Sarah Marzen, Ashley Potts

Call to order: 10:55

President’s Report:

- Review Committee Update: Jason says that the Review Committee was unanimous in confirming Caleb as the current president, Will as the VP of Academic Affairs, Chris as the VP of Nonacademic Affairs, and Czub as the Operations Directors. The Honor Chair, FDAL, UDAL, and all presidential staff are otherwise relieved. Any new appointments for staff will need to be approved by the Review Committee.

The Review Committee decided to throw out the election results for Vice President. The results for President will stand.

- Elections Schedule: The Review Committee also suggested pushing elections back by a week with nominations during the sixth week of classes and elections the following Monday. Officers would be installed at the next BoD meeting. The primary reason for the change is that it would move ASCIT elections after the house elections of Ricketts and Page. Doing so would require a timely amendment to the bylaws.

Caleb did not like the idea of rushing another set of bylaw amendments. The new BoD occupy their positions by the budget meeting on the 21st. While the change would still allow this, many members of the BoD felt that more time was needed for transition. This transition was viewed as particularly important in light of the new bylaws and the fact that no BoD members will be returning. Most feel that it has worked out in the past and it will not hurt anyone to wait another year.

BoD decides to not put it for a vote.

- Secretary: Review Committee alright with Joel staying as secretary. The BoD decides to reappoint anyway.

Motion to approve Joel as the ASCIT Secretary. VOTE: Passed (6-0-0)


- Honor Code Task Force: To cover food expenses like most other committees. Since other groups have not used all of their funding there should be sufficient fund available to cover the expenses.

Motion to approve $1000 for the Honor Code Task Force. VOTE: Passed (5-0-1)

Meeting adjourned: 11:30

Submitted by Joel Nikolaus, ASCIT Secretary.