ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for January 31, 2021. Taken by Katherine Chang.
Officers Present: Yuying Lin, Kriti Devansenapathy, Megan Wang, Aditi Venkatesh, Eilleen Zhang, Ayooluwa Odemuyiwa, Katherine Chang
Guests: Tom Mannion
Call to Order: 7:34 pm
President’s Report (Yuying):
- MHF fund progress
- Staff Appreciation Awards logistics
Officer’s Reports:
- V.P. of Academic Affairs (Megan):
- Student-Faculty lunches logistics
- SURF deadline extended to 3/15
- Frosh option video series
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Kriti):
- IHC transition dates
- House, IHC Chair, ASCIT BoD transition logistics
- Meeting plans with IHC, BoD, Revcomm regarding elections
- Rotation algorithm updates
Director of Operations (Aditi):
- Starting club funding round 2
Treasurer (Eilleen):
- Proposal for cross-House event funding
- Centralized club instructions on Donut
Social Manager (Ayooluwa):
- ASCIT concert logistics
- Frosh events logistics
- Events with Tom logistics
Secretary (Katherine):
- ASCIT newsletter and club announcement changes
- Ice cream event with houses (except Blacker, Ricketts, Fleming)
- Event last Friday with Ruddock successful
- House social organizers contact Tom to organize events
- Movie event for “I’ll meet you there” directed by Iram Bilal
- Mars/SpaceX event with Elon Musk
- Kip Thorne movie events (Interstellar)
- Senior movie events (Pixar, Parasite)
- Study break on pi day
- Senior class clarifications
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:34 pm