June 2, 2019

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for June 2, 2019. Taken by Rachel Sun.
Officers Present: Arushi Gupta, Erika Salzman, Yuying Lin, Varun Shanker, Irene Chang, Rachel Sun
Guests: Alejandro Lopez
Call to Order: 7:16 PM

President’s Report (Varun):

  • There will be a vote on the proposed BoC amendments on Friday. There was an email sent out proposing two amendments.
  • Details about orientation and FCC selections are still being worked out.
  • ASCIT Committee applications will be sent out this week.

Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Arushi):

  • Starting a new Option Buddy program to promote mentoring within options.
  • ASCIT Teaching Award Presentation is happening this Friday.
  • SFC survey is still open.

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):

  • IHC retreat is next weekend. If there are any topics for IHC to discuss submit by Wednesday.
  • The Title IX summit was last Wednesday and was attended by the IHC and Title IX board along with other guests.
  • Please see the IHC website for more details.

Director of Operations (Rachel):

  • Meeting with Dimitris and Felicia about evaluating the SAC.

Treasurer (Yuying):

  • Senior Boxes will be distributed on Tuesday. An email with more details will be sent out soon regarding distribution.

Social Director (Irene):

  • Met with the ESC on Wednesday to discuss next year’s Interhouse dates.
  • Met with Greg Fletcher to discuss how to combine events with the Caltech Y and encourage interaction between Caltech Y excomm and ASCIT. The Caltech Y would also like to work on making a combined calendar for campus-wide events with ASCIT.

Secretary (LC):

  • Not present.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:56 PM