June 3, 2013

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for June 3rd, 2013. Taken by Catherine Jamshidi

Officers Present: Zach Rivkin, Malvika Verma, Connor Coley, Connie Hsueh, Monica Enlow, Michelle Tang, Catherine Jamshidi

Guests: Connor Rosen

Call to Order: 10:08 pm

President’s Report (Zach):

  • - Met with Kevin Austin to try and implement evening hours at the Counseling Center for a one year trial in the fall. Pre-doc interns will be phased out and replaced with post-doc interns, who have more experience. As always, comments or concerns relevant the counseling center about UCCs or residential life can be directed to Jennifer Howes.

  • - Secured funding for Acapallooza

  • - On campus concerns over the summer can be emailed to the BoD or directed to Michelle

  • - Good Luck on Finals!

Officer’s Reports:

  • V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Malvika):

    • - The PE Survey closed on Friday. There were 534 responses and the results along with the raw data will be presented to Betsy Mitchell this week.

    • - The three student representatives attending the Honor Code Task Force Meetings (run through the Faculty Board) will be Anna Ross (ex officio), Adam Jermyn, and Alex Hartz.

    • - The ARC is looking at ways to fund the printing of an Honor Code Handbook

  • V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Connor):

    • - We are currently working on streamlining event registration forms.

    • - The IHC made appointments for Student-Faculty Board and Institute Committees. They were sent out Tuesday night.

    • - We are still looking into if couches, tables, refrigerators will be freely stored in rooms between summer and fall contract dates.

  • Director of Operations (Connie):

    • - The club renewal and approval process for the fall will be handled through the Club Steering Committee.

    • - The Totem was released on Thursday with a reception and reading in Dabney Gardens. Students should pick up a copy from their House common area.

    • - Bagel Team Assignments went out last week. If you have any suggestions contact Donut's Development Team at devteam@donut.caltech.edu

  • Treasurer (Monica):

    • - Has made a reimbursement form that will simplify the process

    • - Will begin working with Dimitris to make ASCIT Funding more like GSC

  • Social DIrector (Michelle):

    • - Friday: Concert with Twin Peaks and Blown Out.
    • - Saturday: Acapallooza (All-Caltech A Capella Concert), Decompression, and Dabney Metal Night.
    • - working on Interhouse Haunted House project for next year.
  • Secretary (Cat):

    • - Has updated the BoD photos on the Olive Walk Board and is brainstorming possible uses for the Board.
    • - Updated the ASCIT/IHC/ARC Committee Representatives page on Donut with contact information for newly appointed Reps.
    • - Changed the color scheme of the ASCIT logo such that it follows the Caltech Style Guide (which can be found online).
    • - Complied minutes from the first UHCC Meeting that was held last Wednesday.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 11:21 pm