This page will contain news of decisions that have been made, policy changes, and general announcements about the events for that year as reported by the ASCIT Secretary.
I'm working on updating this (via going through archived ASCIT Minutes). Please be patient.
- Cat Jamshidi (ASCIT Secretary 13-14) on Dec 4, 2013
- September 2013
- October 2013
- November 2013
- December 2013
- January 2014
- February 2014
- March 2014
- April 2014
- May 2014
- June 2014
July 2012
- The NCAA announced that Caltech Athletics would be on probation for three years after self-reporting violations of eligibility due to not filling out Add/Drop Cards such that student athletes remain eligible at all times. An article from the local news can be found here.
October 2012
- A record-breaking 275 prefrosh were rotated this year.
- ASCIT President (Diego Caporale) has suggested increasing the Big T dues to ensure that it can be published regularly.
November 2012
- Big Interhouse (Big I) happened this year! Party themes were Fall of Troy (Fleming/Ruddock), 20,000 Leagues under the Sea (Blacker/Avery), Sesame Street (Dabney, Page), and Outer Space (Ricketts/Lloyd).
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
Craig graduated, so history has ended unless someone wants to update these.
Craig graduated, so history has ended unless someone wants to update these.
- June 2007
- July
- New Associates President appointed to take office on October 1
- Work on the donut revision continues
- August
- One of the Trustees passed away. Condolences to Mr. Atkins's family
- Two new Vice-Provosts have been appointed. Congratulations to Professors Hunt and Mayo. (No stand-alone webpage is up announcing this yet)
- September
- Welcome to Caltech, prefrosh, hope you have a good year!
- Have you checked your Rotation Rules
- July 2006
- Four new trustees have been announced on July 21, including one Caltech alumnus. The Caltech Press Release can be found here.
- Donut will have a new user interface for the fall. More announcements to come later.
- August
- The alcohol policy was discussed amongst the IHC and several administrators regarding the possibility of federal funds being used for alcohol consumed by underage drinkers. Discussion on how to prevent this in a feasible manner will continue throughout the year.
- September
- Caltech's new president arrived on campus on September 1st. We look forward to working with President Chameau in the future.
- Welcome to Caltech!
- I've been really bad about updating this. I'll get back on it after Winter Break… Needless to say lots of things have happened
- November
- We'll miss you Pavel.
- December
- Moved back into the Houses on Dec 15
- Problems arise with the South Houses on Dec 15
- January 2007
- Interhouse Returns! Party in the South Houses attracts 4000 guests on Jan 13
- February
- New ASCIT BoD elected. Chris Gonzales succeeds Todd Gingrich as President, and Michael Grinolds succeeds Jean Sun as VP/BoC Chair
- May
- Honor Chair Amendments all pass
- October
- Dr. David Baltimore announces that he will retire as Caltech president at the end of the school year, upon annoucement of his successor.
- January
- Recording of the Townhall session that focused on seven day board and other recent administrative decisions.
- The Leedy administrative year draws to a close.
- Todd Gingrich is elected as ASCIT President and Jean Sun is elected as ASCIT VP/BoC Chair.
- The overall BoD election results can be found here.
- February
- March
- Another variation of the amendment to the bylaws has been drafted by Scott Medling. It can be found here.
- April
- Fleming's cannon disappeared on (date?). It turned up nearly a week later at MIT for CPW (their version of Prefrosh Weekend). It was then taken back immediately following CPW by a group of 20-30 Flems and associated alumni. It returned to Caltech two days before Prefrosh Weekend began, firing off a blast towards MIT immediately after being set up in front of Steele House.
- Prefrosh Weekend 2006 came and went.
- May
- There were concerns over the announcement that no cats were to be allowed in the South Houses once renovations are completed. The IHC is following up on these concerns.
- A IHC-sponsored open house is scheduled for May 24th. It will be held at the Page House Courtyard. Invite your Profs (and have them RSVP to the MOSH). This went fairly well. Turnout was between 20-30 people and 15 or so faculty and administrators. Hopefully, more students will come for next year's open houses. There will be two a term; each term, one will be hosted by a North House, and one will be hosted by a South House.
- Ditch Day 2006 was May 17. Hope everyone had fun.
- Caltech named its seventh president on May 26. Dr. Jean-Lou Chameau comes from Georgia Tech, as its current provost and former dean of their College of Engineering.
- June
- The year wound to a close with committee interviews, nominations, and appointments (lists will be updated when the committees rollover at the start of the school year)
- Congrats to the class of 2006 who graduated on June 9
- Tuition increased by a high (8%?) rate, causing student protests
- The Student Housing Committee ruled that Freshmen would be Rotating into Avery in the coming year
- The Trustees charged the IHC with being better stewards of the Undergraduate Houses.
- The result was the formation of the Stewardship Committee, containing one Chair and a representative from each House. These people meet with Housing and address issues involving damage to the Houses.
- ['%20Stewardship%20Charge.pdf The Trustees' Charge]
- The 2004-05 IHC's response
- Individual House mural policies as of 2005
- The current IHC Mural Policy
- Margo Marshak was announced as the New Vice-President for Student Affairs in August 2002.
- In September, the ASCIT President completed a SURF entitled "A History of Undergraduate Self-Governance at Caltech"
- On October 1, 2002, David Baltimore sent a letter to Staff and Faculty regarding Caltech Budget Issues.
- Caltech's Government & Community Relations Office has an online copy of the Caltech Master Plan
- In June 2002, the Faculty Health Committee sent a report to Administrators. At the November Faculty Board Meeting, the Faculty Report was released to the Caltech community. Later that month, the ASCIT Board passed a Resolution regarding Health Insurance. Here are some relevant documents compiled by independent consultants:
- February 2002 Consultant Report
- May 2002 Consultant Report
- February 2002 Consultant Report
- On November 15, 2002, David Baltimore announced to the campus that he has decided not to accept the Vectors Proposal. This was also reported in many articles in the outside press:
- "Art creates an uproar in a world where science rules" - Los Angeles Times, November 15, 2002
- "Caltech rejects Serra's massive wall sculpture" - Los Angeles Times, November 16, 2002
- "Caltech cancels outdoor sculpture" - Pasadena Star-News, November 16, 2002
- "An affair of the arts" - Pasadena Star-News, November 16, 2002
- On January 9, 2003, it was announced that the student health plan would remain unchanged for the next year.
- On February 21, 2003, a 9% Tuition Increase was announced.
- On February 13, 2003, Margo Marshak sent a letter to Ricketts House regarding a fire in their courtyard.
- On Tuesday, February 18, student leaders wrote back asking for positive improvements to student life.
- On Friday, February 21, a few student leaders met with Margo Marshak to discuss grievances against the administrative action.
- In HR section B of the July 2001 Business & Finance Happenings was the first news of the cuts in the Student Health Plan.
- In the last bullet of this Parking Memo is the freshman parking decision.
- The Task Force on Undergraduate Life (TURLI) issued its final report
- Appendix A.
- Appendix B. (Reports on Renovation and Construction Issues at Caltech)
- Appendix C. (Analysis of the Student Survey and Rotation at Caltech)
- Appendix D. Site Visits and Reflections
- Townhall Meeting Minutes following the TURLI Report
- Here is David Baltimore's response to student complaints regarding the TURLI.
- In the winter of 2001, the undergraduates staged a protest on the Olive Walk.