ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting: VPSA
Minutes for November 14, 2019.** Taken by LC Chen.
Officers Present: Varun Shanker, Sarah Crucilla, Arushi Gupta, LC Chen, Yuying Lin, Irene Chang, Rachel Sun
Guests: Tom Mannion, Kevin Gilmartin, Joe Shepherd
**Call to Order: 12:10
President’s Report (Varun):
- ASCIT BoD Retreat overview
- ASCIT newsletter
- ASCIT Publications
- Off-campus housing option resources
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Arushi): - Good interest in Student Faculty Lunches
- Option Buddy Program mixer this weekend
- Department advising mechanisms
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
- South House fireplace closure
Director of Operations (Rachel):
- ASCIT Publications
- Donut website
Treasurer (Yuying):
- Budget published
Social Director (Irene):
- Good turnout for Fall Events
- Planning Midnight Donuts
- Facebook page for ASCIT * If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.*
Meeting Adjourned: 12:51