ASCIT Board of Directors VPSA Meeting
Minutes for November 17, 2020. Taken by Katherine Chang.
Officers Present: Yuying Lin, Megan Wang, Aditi Venkatesh, Eilleen Zhang, Ayooluwa Odemuyiwa, Katherine Chang
Guests: Tom Mannion, Kevin Gilmartin, Varun Shanker, Arushi Gupta
Call to Order: 12:05 pm
President’s Report (Yuying):
- Secretary appointment
- Faculty committee appointments in progress
- Frosh committee logistics (application sent out after faculty committee appointments finished)
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Megan):
- Option advising last Saturday went well
- REGIS tutorial sent to frosh
- Student faculty lunches logistics
- SFC option chairs appointed
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (absent):
- Rotation happening 1st week winter term
Director of Operations (Aditi):
- Sent out applications and conducted interviews for club funding
- Decided on club funding amounts (updates sent to clubs soon)
Treasurer (Eilleen):
- Temporary club funding period completely processed
- Budget almost complete
- Going to do OBI and pcard training soon
Social Manager (Ayooluwa):
- Social events for rest of term logistics
- Midnight donuts discuss with Tom
- Fall event logistics
- Freshman oriented events logistics
- Transition has gone smoothly
- Sustainable mentoring program with the Caltech Y and ASCIT logistics
- Unresolved bylaws from previous board need resolving
- Accreditation logistics
- Align ASCIT interests with admin
- Met with various groups about how students were responding to uncertainty about on-campus instruction
- Admin doing their best, but everything is uncertain
- Make room during first week rotation for senior class officers and events for ditch day
- Lots of senior class interest for Ditch day and other senior events this year
- Fosselman’s Ice Cream event very successful (over 100 people showed up)
- Coordinate events with Ayooluwa
- Interest in food events
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 12:40 pm