ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for OCTOBER, 2, 2022. Taken by Jonathan Booker. Officers Present: Kavya, Twombly, Shwetha, Rachel, Matticus, Jonathan
Call to Order: 1:09
President’s Report (Kavya):
- Committee appointments
- To be announced when we get confirmation of the number of reps we can appoint
- Student Affairs Banquet
- Working with Felicia to organize it.
- Revamp of the Tech
- Mandate that they find advertisers.
- Incentives get new writers
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Twombly):
- How to Succeed Panel
- Turnout was not as big as hoped.
- Year Goals / Events
- Need to clarify the special topics.
Not Present - V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Katherine): Nothing to Report
Director of Operations (Shwetha):
- New art initiative
- Development of a checkout system & Account for all property
- Looking into Remote Mental Health Options
- SWS is implementing a mobile mental health care option to make it more accessible.
- little t
- Should be printed within the next week
- Available online on donut *Club Enrichment programs
- Show clubs/organizations what funding is available outside of ASCIT
- FSRI meeting
- ASCIT/IHC Joint Meeting
- Date still TBD
- Topics include FSRI, institute relations, etc.
- Implementing Jira
- Project Management System
Treasurer (Rachel):
- Last of summer club reimbursements done
- Tech financing options
Social Director (Matticus):
- Techfest *Major success. Feedback has been great.
- Staff position *Waiting for Kaushal to ratify the appointment of a new staff position.
- Dinner prizes
- Talking with Tom to organize the dinners.
- SAC Closet *A mess. Shwetha’s punishment for not helping with Techfest :)
Secretary (Jonathan):
- Olive Walk Display Updates *Backdrop is now fabric *Now Includes all elected positions and committee chairs
- BoC/CRC Reform Updates / possible bylaw amendments *Agreed to meet with Winter to discuss the new routing process.
- Donut Updates *Class of 2026 is on donut! *The pictures of everyone from the class of 24, 25, & 26 finally have directory photos.
- Jam Room Complaints *Ricketts Soc VP broke a base. *Requested more equipment
- Mentor’s Program
- Delegating to AdComm
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. Transcript is available upon request. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 2:36pm