October 10 2021

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for October 10, 2021. Taken by Nicole Heflin.

Officers Present: Ayooluwa Odemuyiwa, Mohini Misra, Katherine Chang, Matthew Hajjar, Kavya Rajagopalan, Aditi Venkatesh

Guests: Ali Cataltepe

Call to Order: 9:05 pm PST

President’s Report (Ayooluwa):

  • Covid Policies - trying to increase window for submitting samples (extend until 5 or 6pm)
  • Survey Responses:

Do we get donuts? - Yes

When will first years have access to Donut? - We have reached out to the DevTeam and all frosh should now have access.

Officer’s Reports:

V.P. of Academic Affairs (Mohini):

  • Collaboration with Library - organizing a fun event (like a meet and greet)
  • Frosh Rep Elections
  • Ec120 course concern

V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Katherine):

  • Starting open IHC meetings (either Saturdays or Sundays)
  • Rotation follow-up discussions: general rotation review, rotation algorithm review, rotation survey to be sent to ug
  • Continue review of housing situtation
  • Revisit alcohol policy
  • Review how orange watch will be implemented
  • Review security policies for parties/interhouses
  • Review PA program
  • Housing petition for pricing of Marks/Braun - housing standardized prices for all rooms in all houses by increasing price

Director of Operations (Aditi):

  • SAC renovations
  • Funding for clubs is being postponed due to Covid, however, for large events, clubs can still apply with the Event Funding Form
  • Club fair is postponed

Treasurer (Matthew):

  • Budget Review

Social Director (Kavya):

  • ASCIT Formal Venues
  • Potential 1st Quarter Events: Fashion show, Night market, donuts/food outside Hameetman during midterms and finals

Secretary (Nicole):

  • ASCIT BoD meetings will be Sundays at 9pm in 2nd Floor Hameetman Conference Room (if any changes to date/time occur, email will be sent to ug)
  • Newsletter will be switched to single club announcement emails


Ali Cataltepe:

  • Socialists of Caltech Newsletter Logisitcs

If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.

Meeting Adjourned: 10:00 pm PST