ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for October 17, 2021. Taken by Nicole Heflin.
Officers Present: Ayooluwa Odemuyiwa, Mohini Misra, Katherine Chang, Matthew Hajjar, Kavya Rajagopalan, Aditi Venkatesh
Call to Order: 9:08 pm PST
President’s Report (Ayooluwa):
- Trying to extend hours for covid sample drop-off by 2 hours
- ASCIT will email reminders to submit samples (Tues/Thurs 3pm)
- Reviewing Bylaws
- Committee meeting talking points - administration handling concerns from students; accommodations for students (ex. pre-recorded lecture videos not having captions); rotation
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Mohini):
- Nothing to Report
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Katherine):
- Rotation/algorithm review - plan to work with Student Experiences Committee
- Return to campus review - communication on when things will open up on campus
- Other topics to review - alcohol policy, Title IX review for Rotation, house security
- Sent out list about things in houses that are off limits for pranking
Director of Operations (Aditi):
- SAC renovations - jam room, music rooms, screening room, library
- Creating a committee to help with SAC renovation logistics
Treasurer (Matthew):
- Budget Review
Social Director (Kavya):
- Organize in-person meetings for social directors
- Halloween planning - decorations, costume contest
Secretary (Nicole):
- Nothing to Report
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:52 pm PST