ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting: VPSA
Minutes for October 25, 2019. Taken by LC Chen.
Officers Present: Varun Shanker, Rachel Sun, Irene Chang, Arushi Gupta, Yuying Lin, LC Chen
Guests: Joe Shepherd, Kevin Gilmartin
Call to Order: 12:15
Joe Shepherd:
- Moving away from petty cash reimbursements
President’s Report (Varun):
- Budget set
- New Caltech App
- Housing charges
- The Tech
**Officer’s Reports:
*V.P. of Academic Affairs (Arushi):* - New Frosh reps
- Recording lectures
- New research-matching page in development
- Ombuds program
- Accredation V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (proxy):
- PA Program
- Checking in with appointed committees
- Title IX Programs Director of Operations (Rachel):
- Club funding communications
- SAC rooms: storage space, soundproofing Treasurer (Yuying):
- ASCIT dues
- Big T finances Social Director (Irene):
- Techfest went well
- Fall Event
- Working with Tom on formal
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 1:10